provenance-io / explorer-service

The server side of the blockchain Explorer app. Allows for UI browsing of the blockchain.
Apache License 2.0
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Remove the logic for calculating `running_count` and `total_count` in the `missed_blocks` #548

Closed nullpointer0x00 closed 1 month ago

nullpointer0x00 commented 1 month ago


This PR removes the logic for calculating running_count and total_count in the missed_blocks table. We no longer need to store these values in the database since they can be easily derived with a simple query when necessary.

Previously, the calculation of these values could take several minutes when a validator missed a block, especially with large datasets. Now, only the consensus_address and block_missed are stored, which eliminates that overhead. The counts were not used in any endpoints or elsewhere in the code, so this cleanup improves performance without affecting functionality.

closes: #XXXX

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