provenance-io / explorer-service

The server side of the blockchain Explorer app. Allows for UI browsing of the blockchain.
Apache License 2.0
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Remove update block latency procedure call #550

Closed nullpointer0x00 closed 1 month ago

nullpointer0x00 commented 1 month ago


This PR removes the block_latency calculation logic from both the Kotlin code and the PostgreSQL stored procedure. The reason for this removal is that calculating latencies for large ranges of blocks would cause the process to run for hours without completing, which halted block collection.

Key Changes:

  1. Removed block_latency calculation: The stored procedure update_block_latency() and all references to block_latency in the Kotlin code have been removed.
  2. Code cleanup: Simplified queries and removed unnecessary logic that dealt with block_latency.

By removing this, we avoid performance issues that were affecting block collection, especially when handling large datasets.

closes: #XXXX

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