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Bitpanda staking transactions unknown #155

Open wullxz opened 9 months ago

wullxz commented 9 months ago

Bitpanda has an unknown transaction type for staking: "transfer(stake)" that comes with an accompanying opposite "transfer" transaction.

There has been in issue about staking and a discussion about order and categorization for speculation periods in #57 (which in turn mentions #4) but since I stumbled upon this project today, I'm not familiar with the implementation yet.

Since my coin is still staked and I haven't unstaked until now, I'm going to ignore these transactions for me for now to prepare my tax documents. I'm still interested in the topic and also would look into properly implementing this or at least help with the implementation.

For starters, here are two example transactions for a stake operation (with the amounts anonymized) for bitpanda:

"Transaction ID",Timestamp,"Transaction Type",In/Out,"Amount Fiat",Fiat,"Amount Asset",Asset,"Asset market price","Asset market price currency","Asset class","Product ID",Fee,"Fee asset",Spread,"Spread

Edit: There is an other transaction type that's apparently not yet supported: "reward" for staking rewards.

provinzio commented 9 months ago

What are the column headers of your example?

wullxz commented 9 months ago

@provinzio sorry, updated them in my initial comment!

provinzio commented 9 months ago

Dou you now for what the two lines are for? You mentioned that your coins are still staked. Sounds to me like some internal bitpanda stuff which might not be an taxable transaction.

wullxz commented 9 months ago

Yes, it's the transaction of staking my owned supply of ETH. I know it's not taxable but it might still be of interest when calculating the "Spekulationsfrist". In the linked discussion, it was said that staked coins could be handled in a different account or something similar to make it clear which coin is getting sold if there is a sell transaction afterwards (since there was some trouble identifying the correct start of the new one year speculation deadline).

I also just included the "reward" transaction that's also not yet understood by this project. In my case, the reward is staking reward. AFAIK, staking rewards are taxable but are they really when I receive them as crypto (as is normal for staking rewards)?

wullxz commented 9 months ago

Should I open a new issue about the staking rewards? I will also run into staking rewards when CoinTaxman was able to ingest my bitpanda statements because my coinbase statements will also have staking rewards in them. Or is there already a way to process these? I might be able to create a patch if the handling of staking rewards has already been done for other exchanges (by looking up and copying the behavior from the code for other exchanges).

provinzio commented 9 months ago

Yes, it's the transaction of staking my owned supply of ETH

In that case. The transaction should be recognized as Staking. But why are there two lines in the CSV? Is the other one for unstacking the coin? If that's the case, it should be recognized as StakingEnd.

In the linked discussion, it was said that staked coins could be handled in a different account or something similar to make it clear which coin is getting sold if there is a sell transaction afterwards

As of now, staking does not change the buy/sell order.

You can checkout for more information on how each transaction type is handled.

also just included the "reward" transaction that's also not yet understood by this project. In my case, the reward is staking reward.

That should be recognized as StakingInterest.
What makes me nervous, is that the bitpanda transaction type is named reward. How can we be sure, that this comes from staking and is not some other reward?

Should I open a new issue about the staking rewards?

As far as I can see, this can all be handled in this issue.

Have a look at the error code should already hint you the correct place to look. In is a reader function for bitpanda in which the transactions are mapped to our internal transaction types. Feel free to checkout the binance read function as a reference.

wullxz commented 9 months ago

In that case. The transaction should be recognized as Staking. But why are there two lines in the CSV? Is the other one for unstacking the coin? If that's the case, it should be recognized as StakingEnd.

The first transaction is basically the one that substracts the staked amount from the "normal" wallet and the second transaction adds the staked amount to the staking wallet (assuming they are two separate wallets and in absence of a better word). It's like in accounting where you always have two booking statements between accounts.

As of now, staking does not change the buy/sell order.

You mean the start of the Spekulationsfrist for the staked coin is untouched by staking?

That should be recognized as StakingInterest. What makes me nervous, is that the bitpanda transaction type is named reward. How can we be sure, that this comes from staking and is not some other reward?

Yea, I also stumbled over this. I only assumed it was a staking reward because immediately before that I staked the coin in question. I think though, that in case of bitpanda, rewards can generally be treated as staking interest unless it's rewards in BEST coin, which is their internal coin. You receive BEST for transactions on bitpanda (which are also taxable, right?).

Have a look at the error code should already hint you the correct place to look. In is a reader function for bitpanda in which the transactions are mapped to our internal transaction types. Feel free to checkout the binance read function as a reference.

I'm looking through already but I'll check the binance code next. Thanks for the hint.

wullxz commented 9 months ago

I checked the bitpanda statements again for the BEST rewards. They are actually booked as "transfer", which is currently ignored (but probably shouldn't be ignored?).



Edit: BEST rewards themselves can be ignored since using a service (i.e. the platform bitpanda) is not an action. Therefore, the BEST reward for using their service is not taxable. Selling the BEST on the other hand is a normal sell operation.

"„Die reine Nutzung einer Plattform sollte zu keinem steuerbaren Airdrop führen, und zwar aus folgendem Grund: Die bloße Verwendung einer Plattform ist kein ‘aktives Tun’ im Sinne eines Gegenleistungscharakters. Vielmehr handelt es sich schlicht um die Inanspruchnahme einer Dienstleistung. Daher ist die Zuteilung der Bitpanda BEST Rewards nicht steuerpflichtig, weil keine Gegenleistung erfolgt. Dementsprechend gilt: Zufluss mit 0€, keine Versteuerung.”"

from here:,0%E2%82%AC%2C%20keine%20Versteuerung.%E2%80%9D

provinzio commented 9 months ago

The first transaction is basically the one that substracts the staked amount from the "normal" wallet and the second transaction adds the staked amount to the staking wallet (assuming they are two separate wallets and in absence of a better word). It's like in accounting where you always have two booking statements between accounts.

In that case we'll only need one of them. The other can be ignored.

You mean the start of the Spekulationsfrist for the staked coin is untouched by staking?

It's untouched by staking. But that's not what I mean. Staking does not "block" coins from being sold. E g. Of you buy a coin, stake a coin, buy a coin and sell a coin, you would sell the first coin bought. (our current implementation)

wullxz commented 9 months ago

In that case we'll only need one of them. The other can be ignored.

Which one can be ignored? Can't they both be ignored since the initial balance of bought coins basically doesn't change since the Frist only considers the initial acquire?

provinzio commented 9 months ago

In that case we'll only need one of them. The other can be ignored.

Which one can be ignored? Can't they both be ignored since the initial balance of bought coins basically doesn't change since the Frist only considers the initial acquire?

Our current implementation does not handle staking but we should consider it for the future.

wullxz commented 9 months ago

Ok, so the following changes are needed:

Is that correct?

wullxz commented 9 months ago

Oh and just to be safe: BEST is also used for the platform specific fees (the bitpanda fees per transaction not the blockchain fees). A transaction for deducting the BEST balance by the platform transaction fee looks like this:


How should they be categorized? They are relevant for the Frist, right? And if they are, they should be booked as well but as what?

provinzio commented 9 months ago

Looks good to me.

If I remember correctly, Airdrops should have an optional Parameter somewhere whether they are taxable or not.

Please add your explanation for the best reward in the readme with the source.

provinzio commented 9 months ago

Book fees as Fee transaction type. The algorithm tries to match them to trades

wullxz commented 9 months ago

Just a quick question because I just stumbled upon this: In _read_coinbase Rewards Income is associated with Staking. Shouldn't that be StakingInterest? It's definitely staking rewards.

provinzio commented 9 months ago

Just a quick question because I just stumbled upon this: In _read_coinbase Rewards Income is associated with Staking. Shouldn't that be StakingInterest? It's definitely staking rewards.

Sounds like it. It might be wise to ping the writer of that line to double check or look into the Coinbase documentation.

wullxz commented 9 months ago

Well, you are the author of that line ;) (here) And I checked with my coinbase export: Those transactions are definitely staking rewards. I think, the staking operation is not included in their export. I can't find anything related.

provinzio commented 9 months ago

Well, you are the author of that line ;)

Dammit 😂

Sounds reasonable to fix that

wullxz commented 9 months ago

just a heads up: I've tried to get everything to work but while doing that I found a bunch of other anomalies. The ones I found are:

I'm sorry but the PR I'm going to send will be a bigger one. If you'd like several PR I can try to make that happen but it would take me longer. I'll split the work on bitpanda and coinbase into separate PRs though.

provinzio commented 9 months ago

As long as the names they use for transaction types are unique there should be no problem in matching them to the corresponding Countaxman Transaction (see binance implementation)

Dividends of stocks are not really in the scope of this tool. Dividends might not be Einkünfte aus sonstigen Leistungen but Kapitalerträge which are taxed differently. If you really want to include stocks and stuff. We should implement it including a tax report similar to the tax reports of banks. As this is quite a lot of work and not in the scope, I would vote against this. But feel free, please add it as separate PR.

For the LUNA case. What about an relabel transaction class which kind of relabels other transactions so they have the new coin name for matching with sells/withdrawals. Keep in mind that there are more than just buy transactions from which you can get coins.