proxb / PoshRSJob

Provides an alternative to PSjobs with greater performance and less overhead to run commands in the background, freeing up the console and allowing throttling on the jobs.
MIT License
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Nested Jobs #169

Closed magno101 closed 6 years ago

magno101 commented 6 years ago

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Possibly a bug? Likely an issue with my knowledge of how to use it though.

What is the current behavior? Nesting jobs while still trying to use the $_ doesn't work as anticipated.

If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem

Please consider this code:

` $Array = @(1..(Get-Random -Maximum 10 -Minimum 2)) $Query = "Some Query String" $Start = (get-date).AddHours(-(get-date).Hour).AddMinutes(-(get-date).Minute).AddSeconds(-(get-date).Second) $End = (get-date)

Write-Host "Query: $Query" Write-Host "Start: $Start" Write-Host "End : $End"

Test the first layer

$Jobs = $Array | Start-RSJob -Name {"Layer1$"} -ScriptBlock { [pscustomobject]@{ Array = $_ Query = $Using:Query Start = $Using:Start End = $Using:End Debug = "Im in the first layer" } $NewArray = @(10..(Get-Random -Maximum 20 -Minimum 11))

$InnerJobs = $NewArray | Start-RSJob -ArgumentList $,$Using:Query,$Using:Start,$Using:End -Name {"Layer2$_"} -ScriptBlock { param( $JobNumber, $Query, $Start, $End ) [pscustomobject]@{ Array = $JobNumber Query = "2nd Layer " + $Query Start = $Start End = $End Debug = "Something at the second layer" } } $InnerJobs | Wait-RSJob | Receive-RSJob


$Jobs | Wait-RSJob | Receive-RSJob | ft -AutoSize `

What is the expected behavior? I would expect that the inner set of RSJobs would iterate through the $NewArray list, but instead it uses the higher scoped $_ from the original $Array.

Which versions of Powershell and which OS are affected by this issue? Did this work in previous versions of our scripts? ` Major Minor Build Revision

5 1 16299 19 PoshRSJob PSGallery OS is Windows 10 Major Minor Build Revision

10 0 16299 0 `

Please provide a code example showing the issue, if applicable: Here's the output

Query: Some Query String
Start: 10/19/2017 00:00:00
End  : 10/19/2017 11:06:44

Array Query                       Start                  End                    Debug                        
----- -----                       -----                  ---                    -----                        
    1 Some Query String           10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Im in the first layer        
    1 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    1 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    1 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    1 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    1 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    3 Some Query String           10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Im in the first layer        
    3 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    3 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    3 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    3 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    3 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    3 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    3 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    5 Some Query String           10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Im in the first layer        
    5 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    5 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    5 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    5 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 Some Query String           10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Im in the first layer        
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    4 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    6 Some Query String           10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Im in the first layer        
    6 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    6 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    6 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    6 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    6 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    6 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    2 Some Query String           10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Im in the first layer        
    2 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    2 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    2 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    2 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    2 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    2 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    2 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    2 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    7 Some Query String           10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Im in the first layer        
    7 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    7 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    7 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    7 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    7 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer
    7 2nd Layer Some Query String 10/19/2017 12:00:00 AM 10/19/2017 11:06:44 AM Something at the second layer

Thanks in advance for your help!

MVKozlov commented 6 years ago

I see there is a problem with $PoshRS_JobIDm it not incremented as it sould (bug!) because it replaced, other details is hidden...

but, pipelined object inside scriptblock shoud be $_ and you use $_ as parameter. that can broke parameter detection and (may be) cant be fixed

btw, monstrous (get-date).AddHours(-(get-date).Hour).AddMinutes(-(get-date).Minute).AddSeconds(-(get- it just (Get-Date).Date

magno101 commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I've modified it as such and it seems to work as intended! Appreciate the help, this helped solved a big issue for me.

`$Array = @(1..(Get-Random -Maximum 10 -Minimum 2)) $Query = "Some Query String" $Start = (Get-Date).Date $End = (get-date)

Write-Host "Query: $Query" Write-Host "Start: $Start" Write-Host "End : $End"

$Jobs = $Array | Start-RSJob -Name {"Layer1$"} -ScriptBlock { [pscustomobject]@{ Array = $_ Query = $Using:Query Start = $Using:Start End = $Using:End Debug = "Im in the first layer" } $NewArray = @(10..(Get-Random -Maximum 20 -Minimum 11))

$InnerJobs = $NewArray | Start-RSJob -ArgumentList $Using:Query,$Using:Start,$Using:End -Name {"Layer2$"} -ScriptBlock { param( $Query, $Start, $End ) [pscustomobject]@{ Array = $_ Query = "2nd Layer " + $Query Start = $Start End = $End Debug = "Something at the second layer" } } $InnerJobs | Wait-RSJob | Receive-RSJob }

$Jobs | Wait-RSJob | Receive-RSJob | ft -AutoSize`