proxb / PoshRSJob

Provides an alternative to PSjobs with greater performance and less overhead to run commands in the background, freeing up the console and allowing throttling on the jobs.
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Add ImportPSModulesFromPath support #177

Open beargle opened 6 years ago

beargle commented 6 years ago

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Feature

What is the current behavior? Importing modules in background runspace jobs requires that the module be:

What is the proposed behavior? Add support for passing a custom module path, from which modules will be imported into background runspace jobs.

This should require no modification of $env:PSModulePath, and shouldn't require the module to be pre-installed on the client. Expecting something similar to how modules are specified for import in psake-config.ps1. Specific use case is a portable CI/CD pipeline that manages PowerShell module dependencies, without relying on Install-Module or a specific build server configuration.

It looks like InitialSessionState.ImportPSModulesFromPath() could work for this, but would make a hard dependency on PowerShell V3. Wasn't sure if PowerShell V2 support was still important based on #162.

Please provide a code example showing the potential feature, if applicable: Today we pass in one or more module names to import, which have to be accessible with $env:PSModulePath

Start-RSJob -ModulesToImport @("Pester")...

Would like to be able to pass in a custom module path, from which one or more modules are imported. Assuming a directory structure of:


We should be able to:

Start-RSJob -ModulesFromPathToImport ".\Dependencies\PowerShell\Modules"...
beargle commented 6 years ago

If this looks like something that would be useful, I'm happy to put together a PR for review. Thanks!

proxb commented 6 years ago

@beargle This sounds cool! I am definitely done with adding new features for V2 and have already moved the V2 supporting module onto its own branch. I just need to work on removing the V2 code as well as adding a warning when this module is imported from a V2 host. I should have that completed by the end of the week if you can wait until then, otherwise go ahead and do the PR and I will merge it and then begin work on removing the V2 stuff.

MVKozlov commented 6 years ago

btw this can be done thru -ModulesToImport parameter like Import-Module -Name. If supplied path exists, that it is path to module, if not - just module name and path can support wildcards thru Resolve-Path

beargle commented 6 years ago

@MVKozlov Good point about similar functionality with -ModulesToImport; I do see that it could be used if the collection of module paths is pre-built with Resolve-Path and wildcards.

I haven't been able to get -ModulesToImport to work with a single path that contains module subdirectories (ex. like what Windows users have at ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules). Am I missing something on that front?

Regardless, PR has been raised - would appreciate any feedback you all have. Thanks!

MVKozlov commented 6 years ago

I this this way close to your needs

$list = 'PoshWSUS', 'D:\Work\ps\test\', 'D:\Work\ps\test\PSAlphaFS\\*.psm1'

$modulenames = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$modulepaths = $list | ForEach-Object {
  $m = $_
  try {
    Resolve-Path $_ -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
  catch {
    $null = $modulenames.Add($m)

here I'm split common list to names and paths