proxb / PoshRSJob

Provides an alternative to PSjobs with greater performance and less overhead to run commands in the background, freeing up the console and allowing throttling on the jobs.
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Start-RSJob Passing a Script w/Script Scope Variables in FunctionFilesToImport #185

Open adamfortuno opened 6 years ago

adamfortuno commented 6 years ago

On a machine in a distant land, exists a script named thing.ps1 with content:

$script:foo = 'abc'

function f { return $script:foo }

If I attempt to run f from my interactive session, I see "abc" like I'd expect:


If I try to run it via Start-RSJob, I see nothing...

Start-RSJob { f } -Name 1 -FunctionFilesToImport $(ls .\thing.ps1).fullname
Receive-RSJob -name 1


The value $script:foo in the script passed to Start-RSJob returns as $null.

Can you not use variables in the script scope?

MVKozlov commented 6 years ago

for function f variable $script:foo - like a global variable. RSJob can not import any variables that used inside functions if it not local.

Btw, it is a bad practice.

as a workaround you can use truly global variables, function parameters or modules (variable defined in a module will be imported with module