proxb / PoshRSJob

Provides an alternative to PSjobs with greater performance and less overhead to run commands in the background, freeing up the console and allowing throttling on the jobs.
MIT License
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Array in scriptbloc #202

Open Eperrial opened 5 years ago

Eperrial commented 5 years ago


I am a student in DUT Networks and telecommunication and also a beginner in powershell. (FR : DUT / UK : DHE / US : AD ) After a few hours of searching the Internet, I would like to display the different tables in the RSJob.


i have this return on my terminal, someone can guide me ? :)


( the code on plain text if someone want to edit )

$ADCheck=@(Get-ADComputer -filter "*" -Properties IPv4address -SearchBase "OU=COMPUTERS,DC=test,DC=local" |Where-Object {$_.ipv4address} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ipv4address ) $TableauEchP=@() $TableauRPES=@() $TableauRPRS=@() $ADCheck | Start-RSJob -Name {$_} -Throttle $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS -ScriptBlock { param($ip)[string] if(Test-Connection -Count 1 -ComputerName $ip -Quiet) { try { if(Get-Service -Name test) { $TableauRPRS += $ip } else { $TableauRPES += $ip } } catch{} } else { $TableauEchP += $ip } } Get-RSJob | Wait-RSJob Write-Host "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" Write-Host "This is IP as all test on TRUE" $TableauRPRS Write-Host "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" Write-Host "Ping : TRUE - Service : FALSE" $TableauRPES Write-Host "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" Write-Host "Ping : FALSE, check computer if is up" $TableauEchP Write-Host "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"

copdips commented 5 years ago

The vars $tableaux is not aware in the threads (runspaces). You can try to use Receive-RSJob as shown in the

Eperrial commented 5 years ago

it's not easy when it's the first time with powershell ! aha ^^


Thanks for this !

( the code on plain text if someone want to copy )

`$ADCheck=@(Get-ADComputer -filter "*" -Properties IPv4address -SearchBase "OU=COMPUTERS,DC=adep,DC=local" |Where-Object {$.ipv4address} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ipv4address ) $oui = $ADCheck | Start-RSJob -Name {$} -Throttle $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS -ScriptBlock { param([string]$ip) if(Test-Connection -Count 1 -ComputerName $ip -Quiet) {

Write-Host "Ping sur $ip Reussi"

        try {
            if(Get-Service -Name oui)
            #Write-Host "L'ordinateur d'ip : $ip à bien reussi le test du ping et du service"
                Name = $ip
                Ping = "Ok"
                Service = "Ok"
            #Write-Host "L'ordinateur d'ip : $ip à échoué dans le test du service mais est accessible !"  
                Name = $ip
                Ping = "Ok"
                Service = "Erreur"            
        #Write-Host "Ping sur $ip : Echoue" 
            Name = $ip
            Ping = "Erreur"
            Service = "Erreur"
}| Wait-RSJob | Receive-RSJob `
copdips commented 5 years ago

glad to see this works for you, please close the issue if it is resolved.