proxb / PowerShell_Scripts

Miscellaneous scripts for things that I have done; more scripts will arrive as I get time to update this repo.
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Set-ClientWSUSSetting have some minor issues #21

Open ARGO1960 opened 3 years ago

ARGO1960 commented 3 years ago

Hi Great work saved me some time ;-) But it took me some time as AUOptions did never got higher than 3 in the registry. Also got the message that automatic downloads are disabled.. (w10 21H1) Looks like NoAutoUpdate needs to be reversed.. here I have some enhancements for that issue's

The following " } ElseIf ($Options = " should be " } ElseIf ($Options -eq" That way "AUOptions" can get higher than 3 ;-) Line 223,225 and 227 If ($PSBoundParameters['Options']) { If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Options","Set Value")) { If ($Options -eq 'Notify') { $WsusConfig.SetValue('AUOptions',2,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord) } ElseIf ($Options = 'DownloadOnly') { $WsusConfig.SetValue('AUOptions',3,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord) } ElseIf ($Options = 'DownloadAndInstall') { $WsusConfig.SetValue('AUOptions',4,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord) } ElseIf ($Options = 'AllowUserConfig') { $WsusConfig.SetValue('AUOptions',5,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord) } } }

Then there is an mistake at: AllowAutomaticUpdates starting from line 310.

When Enabled it enables NoAutoUpdate to 1, when I do this at Windows10 21H1 it says automatic updates disabled. changing it to 0, NoAutoUpdate to 0 and that message Disappears . So I changed 313 and 317 1to0 and 0to1.

Hope it helps someone else. Anyway keep up the good work!. Arnold.