proycon / flat

FoLiA Linguistic Annotation Tool -- Flat is a web-based linguistic annotation environment based around the FoLiA format (, a rich XML-based format for linguistic annotation. Flat allows users to view annotated FoLiA documents and enrich these documents with new annotations, a wide variety of linguistic annotation types is supported through the FoLiA paradigm.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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document level annotation #127

Open ahurriyetoglu opened 6 years ago

ahurriyetoglu commented 6 years ago

I would like to use FLAT for annotating documents for a classification task. Ideally, a document should be displayed to the user, the user should be able to select one (maybe multible) labels and press next.

Would this feature be easy/practical to be developed? Please let me know if you would have time for it or I should attempt to create a pull request for it.

proycon commented 6 years ago

I think this would be an interesting addition to FLAT. The classification label could be stored in the metadata (or as a metric on the text itself). It needs some careful thought and I'm a bit busy currently so can't start this before february.

proycon commented 6 years ago
12:27 <OsmanMutlu> If it is going to be a new mode
12:27 <OsmanMutlu> i don't think it should
12:27 <proycon> well, it can reuse the viewer mode
12:28 <proycon> like the editor does
12:28 <proycon> or do you want to classify and do annotation edits at the same time?
12:28 <OsmanMutlu> yes
12:28 <proycon> ah ok
12:28 <OsmanMutlu> because metadata editor mode is a way to do it already
12:28 <proycon> yeah
12:29 <proycon> but it's a bit cumbersome, I understand
12:29 <proycon> you want faster clicks and previous/next
proycon commented 6 years ago

Further brainstorm logs:

12:30 <Kobus_home> a <text> may have Feature's. Maybe that does the trick?
12:31 <proycon> and have the annotation focus be the whole text... 
12:31 <proycon> hmm
12:31 <proycon> not sure
12:31 <Kobus_home> Polarity feature
12:32 <proycon> why not just <text class> even in that case
12:32 <proycon> (do we even allow that?)
12:32 <proycon> that might make most sense.. a text in a set , with a class
12:32 <proycon> but the text itself has no declaration currently :$
12:32 <proycon> would require a FoLiA extension
12:33 <proycon> but might be the most elegant way..
12:33 <proycon> and doesn't even need a lot of FLAT adaptations then...
12:33 <Kobus_home> a text is an AbstractStructure, and may have a class, according to the properties
12:33 <proycon> indeed
12:34 <proycon> that does seem most elegant..