proyecto26 / ion-phaser

A web component to use Phaser Framework with Angular, React, Vue, etc 🎮
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Call an Angular function from inside Phaser scene #15

Open obrador opened 4 years ago

obrador commented 4 years ago

Hi, I need to call an outside Angular function from inside a phaser scene. Can you please show me the way? I found this [] :

But nothing said there have worked. It's claimed that it can be done with ion-phaser.


jdnichollsc commented 4 years ago

If you assign the phaser code from an angular controller, you should be able to call methods of that controller, example:

import { Component } from '@angular/core'
import * as Phaser from 'phaser'
import { ApiService } from '../services';

  selector: 'my-component',
  templateUrl: './my-component.html'
export class MyComponent {
  game: Phaser.Game
  initialize = false

    private readonly api: ApiService

  initializeGame() {
    const context = this
    context.initialize = true  = {
      width: "100%",
      height: "100%",
      type: Phaser.AUTO,
      scene: {
        create() {
          this.helloWorld = this.add.text(0, 0, 'Hello World')
        update () {
          this.helloWorld.angle += 1;
        saveGame() {
          const { angle } = this.helloWorld

This is one option, exist a lot of alternatives (injecting the component context, using event emitters instead, etc) 👍 Let me know what you think

lalalalaluk commented 4 years ago

Can you make a example of how to inject the component context to a scene? Injecting Context in the scene in diffirent file.

jdnichollsc commented 4 years ago

Like this?

// Angular context let context: any;

const SCENES = { FIRST: 'FirstScene', SECOND: 'SecondScene' } class BootScene extends Phaser.Scene { create() { this.scene.add(SCENES.FIRST, FirstScene, true); this.scene.add(SCENES.SECOND, SecondScene, false);;
// Calling Angular functions
if (context) context.initialized();

} }

// Inject Angular context and return scene export const makeBootScene = (ctx) => { context = ctx; return BootScene; }

- app.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import * as Phaser from 'phaser'; import { makeBootScene } from './boot-scene.ts';

@Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { game = { width: "100%", height: "100%", type: Phaser.AUTO, scene: makeBootScene(this) }

initialized() { console.log('Boot Scene initialized!'); } }

lalalalaluk commented 4 years ago

you saved my day! it works fine . thank you!

shashankpenumatcha commented 3 years ago

@jdnichollsc Thanks man

jdnichollsc commented 3 years ago

haha you're welcome! 😁