prscX / react-native-lock-screen

React Native: Lock Screen
Apache License 2.0
117 stars 27 forks source link

Possible suggestions? #1

Open Angelk90 opened 6 years ago

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : Hi, congratulations as always. Can I give some possible suggestions?

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90,

Definitely you are always welcome and appreciated 😄. Please find below list of native libraries I am planning to integrate:


I firmly believe that this library should be implemented in JS, but based on my current task timelines I don't have time to work on the same.

P.S: Tomorrow I will be back from my vacation and coming week I am planning to look into all the issues raised by you and community.

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : Happy holiday. :smile:

These are the possible suggestions that at the moment come to mind. 1) Give the possibility to put a background with the image, and to set the transparency. This is the effect I got: screenshot_20180309-154822

This is the solution I tried, but we need to make some changes, at least I think:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { StyleSheet, ViewPropTypes, Platform, ImageBackground, StatusBar } from "react-native";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";

import { requireNativeComponent } from "react-native";

class RNLockScreen extends Component {
  static propTypes = {

    type: PropTypes.string,
    mode: PropTypes.number,
    pattern: PropTypes.object,
    pin: PropTypes.object,
    props: PropTypes.object

  static defaultProps = {
    type: "pin",
    mode: -1,
    onStarted: undefined,
    onProgress: undefined,
    onComplete: undefined,
    onCleared: undefined,
    onEmpty: undefined,
    onChange: undefined,
    pattern: {
      dotCount: 3,
      dotNormalSize: 12,
      dotSelectedSize: 24,
      pathWidth: 4,
      aspectRatioEnabled: true,
      aspectRatio: "square",
      normalStateColor: "#FFFFFF",
      correctStateColor: "#0000ee",
      wrongStateColor: "#786787",
      dotAnimationDuration: 200,
      pathEndAnimationDuration: 100,
      lock: '-1'
    pin: {
      pinLength: 6,
      textColor: '#E6E6E6',
      textSize: 16,
      buttonSize: 72,
      verticalSpacing: 24,
      horizontalSpacing: 36,
      buttonBackgroundDrawable: undefined,
      deleteButtonDrawable: undefined,
      deleteButtonSize: 16,
      showDeleteButton: false,
      deleteButtonPressedColor: '#C8C8C8',
      dotEmptyBackground: '',
      dotFilledBackground: '',
      dotDiameter: 12,
      dotSpacing: 16,
      indicatorType: 'fillWithAnimation',
      lock: '-1'

  _onChange = (event) => {
    if (event.nativeEvent.eventType === 'started') {
        this.props.onStarted && this.props.onStarted()
    } else if (event.nativeEvent.eventType === 'progress') {
        this.props.onProgress && this.props.onProgress(event.nativeEvent.pattern)
    } else if (event.nativeEvent.eventType === 'completed') {
        this.props.onCompeted && this.props.onCompeted(event.nativeEvent.pattern)
    } else if (event.nativeEvent.eventType === "cleared") {
        this.props.onCleared && this.props.onCleared()
    } else if (event.nativeEvent.eventType === 'empty') {
        this.props.onEmpty && this.props.onEmpty()
    } else if (event.nativeEvent.eventType === 'change') {
        this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(event.nativeEvent.pattern)

    console.log("Event: " + event.nativeEvent.eventType + ", Pattern: " + event.nativeEvent.pattern);

  render() {
    let patternProps = Object.assign({}, RNLockScreen.defaultProps.pattern, this.props.pattern)
    let pinProps = Object.assign({},,

    return (
      <ImageBackground source={{ uri: '' }} style={{ width: null, height: null, flex: 1 }}>
        <StatusBar backgroundColor="rgba(52, 52, 52, 0)" translucent />
            type: this.props.type,
            pattern: patternProps,
            pin: pinProps

const LockScreen = requireNativeComponent("RNLockScreen", RNLockScreen, {
  nativeOnly: { onChange: true }

const style = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    //justifyContent: 'center',
    //alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: 'rgba(52, 52, 52, 0.5)',
    //backgroundColor: "#22b3f7"

export default RNLockScreen;

2) For the "pin" type, set up a graphic similar to this: screenshot_20180309-154822

Under each number there are the letters, in case the person encodes numbers with letters in case the person does not remember where the letters are. ;)

Add the send button, near zero is under nine. I would set the button as if it were an icon. I would use react-native-vector-icons, letting the user choose which package to use and which icon to use.

Add the input field, with the delete icon, as you can see in the image, where the code is inserted and with the possibility to delete them if you make a mistake. So you can enter the code again.

3) Insert a new type "keyboard", a simple input field, with the delete icon, as in case 2, where the code is inserted from the keyboard.

Similar to this: screenshot_20180309-154502 or screenshot_20180309-154502

P.s. Only a doubt arises, at the end when the code is inserted, if it is correct it makes an action, if it is wrong it should do another.

For example, if it is correct, you can do a: this.props.navigation.navigate ('Access'); If it is wrong, it gives an error message.

Quite right?

prscX commented 6 years ago

@Angelk90 WOW :smile I didn't thought it in that way, before publishing I will definitely include above suggestions.

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX: Forgive me I did not want to give you more work. :smile: How had you thought about it at the beginning?

prscX commented 6 years ago

It's really nice @Angelk90 that you have shared the use cases. We should definitely loop all the suggested items.

My use case was simple, just to have a pin/pattern authentication without any customizable items, but you have shared points through which we can make this more intuitive.

Thanks Pranav

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90, I have add backgroundImage prop in order to set the screen background.

I will work on other suggestions as well. Meantime you can install v0.0.3 in order to use the same.

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

Hi @prscX, I did a test. From dependency problems, the "react-native-material-ripple" dependency is lacking.

Looking at Usage: to take the type uses: RNPopoverMenu.Type.Pin But I do not understand why RNPopoverMenu, which uses react-native-popover-menu.

I could not prove it gives me the following error:

prscX commented 6 years ago

My Bad, While doing writeup I copied few steps from react-native-popover-menu README and got missed to change the name.

Apologies for the same. I have updated README

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I am given the following error, if I do it using RNLockScreen.Type.Pin.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90,

Can you please try below codes:

In RNLockScreen source I have created two static props Types & Modes which ideally should be accessible using RNLockScreen.

In example I have directly used the codes and believing that it will work updated in README. My Bad ideally I should have checked this.

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I tried this way: <RNLockScreen type = {1} mode = {1} The same mistake I do not understand what the problem may be.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90, Can you please try <RNLockScreen type={0} mode={0} once, just wanted to confirm the issue is related to Pattern or even Pin also has the issue.

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : Already done, same problem.

prscX commented 6 years ago

@Angelk90: Interesting.

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I tried an example, now I'm given the following error.

But it seems to give problems, also you do not see the buttons at the end in the pin mode. In that Pattern, from the following error:

I advise you to create a new project from scratch, and install the component so you can check if any problems. Also if as image backgroundImage I want to put an outlet from http, would it be possible or only locally? P.Š. When you want me to do some tests let me know.

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I did some tests. There is a problem with the lib react-native-svg, due to installing it manually.

In usage you should change at least I think with import RNLockScreen from 'react-native-lock-screen' with import [{RNLockScreen} from 'react-native-lock-screen' There is an onDone function, for when the code is entered and verified.

It looks like the Pattern type, does not seem to work.

prscX commented 6 years ago

@Angelk90: I believe you got it working for Pin type?

Meantime I will setup a sample example and verify the same.

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : At the moment it works after installing react-native-svg and linking, independently. The Pattern type does not work. I get this error:

prscX commented 6 years ago


Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : Yes, I did "react-native link" directly. Command line.

I made some changes on the js file, related to the Pin type. Here you find everything:

The graphics would be something like this: screenshot_20180326-171913

1) The effect that react-native-material-ripple, is not an effect that personally seems pleasant. Due to the fact that it takes up all the space, in reality the Ripple effect should only be rounded. It will be a matter of personal taste.

2) backgroundImage, would it be possible to take it also via http?

3) There is a function like onCapture, but for Verify, that when the correct password is entered does a specific action? OnDone type?

4) Would it be possible to remove the thing that the dots, change color when the pass is inserted, whether it is right or wrong?

5) Personally I believe that when the user inserts the pass, and it is wrong I think the dots with the corresponding code should be reset. Either it could add an attribute for those who do not want to.

Let me know what you think.


a) As you can see I could not perfectly match the numbers with the letters in the central position, see if you can.

b) For the backspaceSVG image, as you can do to make the whole image white except for the X that is transparent, that is, that you see under the background.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Angelk90 for the feedback/suggestion.

Quick Update: I have push a release V0.0.4 with onVerified callback, this will help in order to listen for successful authentication when the mode is 2.

I am looking into other suggestions and will keep you posted.

Thanks Pranav

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90: I have found the root cause for SVG issue. This is due to the conflict between SVG package versions.

In library I have configured SVG: 6.3.1 and in your app the version might be a different one, due to which two SVG packages are getting downloaded and creating conflicts.

Their are two ways in order to resolve this:

Please let me know in case this solution does not resolve your issue.

Thanks Pranav

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I had solved by installing react-native-svg again.

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I was reminded of an idea, your Gradient Blur View project, if the user instead of inserting an image wants to insert a colored background could do it. Too bad it only works for iOS.

Have you got to see the zip file and the suggestions that I had proposed?

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90: Thanks for the suggestion.

My Apologies. Completely linked-up with couple of other stuffs. I have fixed the Icons issue, now it will show up all the icons.

Can you please install latest version and verify the same. Coming weekend I am planning to work on the suggested topics.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX :

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I did some tests. As you can see if you rotate the device the buttons are bad, first image. If I put an image as background image, image can only be seen at the bottom, image two. If I close the app and remove the cable connected to the PC or we can say restart the device and then open the app, the icons disappear, image three.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Angelk90 for reporting the issue. I will look into this.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : Let me know when you want me to do other tests. :)

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90,

I have fixed the background image issue. You can install latest v0.0.6 for the fixes.

Let me know in case you still face the same issue.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I did some tests. 1) the problem of the background has been fixed. 2) The problem still remains that if after compiling the project, app starts and works, but if I later do the following steps which are: a) I close the app b) Remove the cable c) Reapply the app The two icons below that near zero, do not appear. I do not know if the problem is due to my debugging. 3) You have got to see the zip file and the suggestions above.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Angelk90 for reporting the issue. I will look into the issue.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

Hi, @prscX are there any news? In particular to this post: Let me know what you think.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90: Is possible to share PR of what you are looking for. I am slightly lined-up with few other planned items.

Most of the source is implemented in JavaScript only. Please let me know incase you face any issues.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : Try to take a look here, there are some possible changes you could do: The suggestions I had tried are based on the old version.

For example, I added the letters and removed the white background in the buttons. You could put these options where:

prscX commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Angelk90 for sharing the snippet.

I have pushed a release v0.0.8 with the below suggested enhancements:

Please refer README for the enhanced props.

TAG: 0.0.8

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX :

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I was trying the new version but did not fill in the following error: prob I have executed the following instructions: But I can not get it done.

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I managed to start it, as usual, I congratulate some suggestions that come to my mind. 1) I used type = {} RNLockScreen.Type.Pattern mode = {} RNLockScreen.Mode.Verify If password use lock = {'123'} The first pattern is considered 0 and the last 8. So in case there can not be a change of type. This is just a consideration. A possible solution, You could do that when you select the pattern type, increase all by 1, the char that form the lock if the pass is numeric.

2) In type type = {RNLockScreen.Type.Pin} I would add an option if the user wants it when the password is wrong, then the pass is completely erased from the input field, the type should be a bool.

3) It would be possible to have such a thing: Which is to choose the color confirmPin? Same for the deletePin? For the delete, choose both the exterior color and the internal color. For example, for my personal taste it would be white exterior and the transparent internal "x". I had done tests with confirmPin, I had succeeded but deletePin no, I think we need to change the svg file.

Then I would add two options that allow you to set the confirmPin and deletePin color.

sdd 4) If I rotate the screen I always get the same problem, see image: My device data: 5.5-inch display with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. longscreenshot_2018-05-25-17-42-19

5) It would be possible to add the option, set the bottom color of the input, if desired. Personally, graphically, it would be nicer, less dispersive. sfg

6) There is the type Pattern, the type Pin, missing a type Char or keyboard something like this. I suggest something similar to this graphically. sfg

let me know what you think.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Angelk90 for sharing the valuable suggestions. I will look into the same, once I have some breathing space. Please feel free to share PR.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : I thank you to always listen to me. Let me know when you need me to do probable tests.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Sure @Angelk90. I will keep you posted about the progress.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : There are news about:

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90: I have enabled/fixed below items in the latest release V0.0.15:

Please let me know in case you face any issues.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

@prscX : 1) I have downloaded the new version on npm does not seem to work download 0.0.10 I had to specify version 0.0.15.

2) It gives me the following error in mode: RNLockScreen.Type.Pin When I do ok.


3) I used type = {RNLockScreen.Type.Pattern} mode = {RNLockScreen.Mode.Verify} If password use lock = {'123'} The first pattern is considered 0 and the last 8. I know in case there is not a change of type. This is just a consideration. A possible solution, you can do that when you select the pattern, increase all by 1, the char that form the lock if the pass is numeric.

4) It would be possible to have such a thing: Which is to choose the color confirm? Same for the deletePin? For the delete, choose both the exterior color and the interior color. For example, for my personal taste it would be white and transparent internal "x". I had done tests with confirmPin, I had succeeded but deletePin no, I think we need to change the svg file.

Then I would add two options that allow you to set the confirmPin and deletePin color.


5) I do not like very graphically the thing that every time you enter a number, then there is that thing of the check.


for example my pass is: If password use lock = {'123'} I do not arrive at the fourth check, I preferred something like that.


6) He gave me this strange error when I unplugged the device, and I opened the app again, the svg icons were no longer visible.


7) There is the type Pattern, the type Pin, missing a type Char or keyboard something like this. I suggest something similar to this graphically. schermata_2018-06-30-14-45-20-933


render() {
  return <View style={styles.container}>
  <StatusBar backgroundColor="rgba(52, 52, 52, 0)" translucent />
  onCapture={lock => {
    console.log("lock: " + lock);
  onVerified={() => {
    console.log('lock verified')
      rippleColor: '#8b0000'
      backgroundColor: 'transparent'
      color: '#fff'
    suggestionStyle: {
      color: '#989889'

let me know what you think.

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90: You need to link RNToasty library, please follow the updated installation steps from README in order to resolve RNToasty error.

Thanks </ Pranav >

prscX commented 6 years ago

Hi @Angelk90: I have followed UI/UX design provided by hanks-zyh/PasscodeView library. Having a separate line for the pin visualizer would be a completely custom implementation.

However please feel free to raise PR for enabling this feature based on some props flag.

Thanks </ Pranav >

Angelk90 commented 6 years ago

Hi @prscX :

2) answer to question 2): It seems that at the time of installation he did not install the module, react-native-toasty.

8) As you can see from the image the number is too much outside it would be more central, for example the number 2, I modified it with paint. schermata_2018-06-30-15-35-53-853


MartorSkull commented 5 years ago

It would be nice to have fingerprint implementation.

imDmytro commented 2 years ago

Очень хорошо ребята, а сегодня до вечера мне и парням нужен cash, money, ,бабос а то у меня будет подбиты Glass