prschmid / zoomus

Python client library for the REST API v1 and v2
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Cannot get the historical data from the method. #342

Open TzaNalyst opened 1 year ago

TzaNalyst commented 1 year ago

Is there any way that I can get the historical data from the method mentioned above and not the data from the last 24 hours somehow? Maybe I am missing something but as I read the reference from the zoom API it states that I can get data prior to 6 months. Any help is appreciated.

Below I will attach a part of my code to actually get the data.

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import requests import json import pygsheets from datetime import datetime, timedelta from zoomus import ZoomClient

def dataframe_to_google_sheet(path_of_auth, sheet_name, worksheet_name, df): client = pygsheets.authorize(service_account_file = path_of_auth) sh =

#get the sheet with the corresponding worksheet name

wks = sh.worksheet('title', worksheet_name)
wks.clear("A1", 'F', '*')
df_rows = df.shape[0]
batch_size = 2000
start_row = 1
while start_row <= df_rows:
    end_row = min(start_row + batch_size -1, df_rows)
    wks.set_dataframe(df.iloc[start_row - 1:end_row, :], start=(start_row, 1), copy_index=False)
    start_row = end_row + 1

def main():

client_path = r"C:\Users\konstantinos.tzaferi\Desktop\Google Service Account Key\my-project-template-378813-ca90ba8ef94a.json"
client = pygsheets.authorize(service_account_file=client_path)

api_key = 'api_key'
api_secret = 'api_secret'
client = ZoomClient(api_key, api_secret)

# Calculate the start date for the call logs
start_date = datetime(2022, 11, 1)
end_date =

call_logs_dict = {
    'call_id': [],
    'user_id' : [],
    'call_type' : [],
    'caller_name': [],
    'employee_email': [],
    'callee_number': [],
    'callee_number_source': [],
    'callee_location': [],
    'call_direction': [],
    'call_duration': [],
    'call_result': [],
    'call_start_time': [],
    'call_end_time': [],
    'call_path': [],
    'company_department': [],
    'office_location': []

next_page_token = None
while True:
    call_logs =, end_date=end_date, next_page_token=next_page_token).json()
    call_data_list = call_logs.get('call_logs')
    for element in call_data_list:
        call_logs_dict['call_id'].append(element.get('id', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['user_id'].append(element.get('user_id', np.nan))
        employee_email = client.user.get(id=element.get('user_id', np.nan)).json().get('email', np.nan)
        call_logs_dict['call_type'].append(element.get('call_type', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['caller_name'].append(element.get('caller_name', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['callee_number'].append(element.get('callee_number', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['callee_number_source'].append(element.get('callee_number_source', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['callee_location'].append(element.get('callee_location', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['call_direction'].append(element.get('direction', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['call_duration'].append(element.get('duration', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['call_result'].append(element.get('result', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['call_start_time'].append(element.get('date_time', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['call_end_time'].append(element.get('call_end_time', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['call_path'].append(element.get('path', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['company_department'].append(element.get('department', np.nan))
        call_logs_dict['office_location'].append(element.get('site',np.nan).get('name', np.nan))
    next_page_token = call_logs.get('next_page_token')
    if not next_page_token:

df_call_logs = pd.DataFrame(call_logs_dict)

dataframe_to_google_sheet(client_path, 'fast_query', 'Database', df_call_logs)

if name == 'main': main()