prusa3d / Prusa-Firmware-Buddy

Firmware for the Original Prusa MINI, Original Prusa MK4 and the Original Prusa XL 3D printers by Prusa Research.
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[BFW-5691] Allow firmware files to be uploaded to sdcard remotely #4006

Closed mikec85 closed 2 weeks ago

mikec85 commented 1 month ago

Allow firmware files to be uploaded to sdcard remotely.

pausethelogic commented 3 weeks ago

There is no SD card on printers with the Buddy board. Are you sure you made a PR on the right repo?

Also, on printers with the buddy board, firmware can already be downloaded remotely to the printer with Prusa Link and Prusa Connect, so I'm not sure what problem this solves

pilot51 commented 1 week ago

Also, on printers with the buddy board, firmware can already be downloaded remotely to the printer with Prusa Link and Prusa Connect

I just tried it in PrusaLink on my MK4 with 6.0.1 upgrading to 6.0.2 and got this error after the upload completed:

415: Unsupported Media Type Not a GCODE

I rebooted after the transfer and it did not prompt to install the update. I transferred again and then checked the USB drive on my computer and the firmware file did not make it over.

It would be nice to not have to move the USB drive to my PC to do firmware updates. And no, I have no need for Prusa Connect and I'm not going to use it just so I can do that.

danopernis commented 1 week ago

@pilot51 Hmm, that is a valid request, however this PR doesn't work. It doesn't even compile. Maybe the author wanted to call the function, but who knows. The author didn't even check if the code works at all. Even then, why would we follow gcode path if the file contains firmware? It is certainly not printable. All in all, this doesn't work and we are closing this.

CZDanol commented 1 week ago

Just to be clear - you are definitely able to upload files through Connect. Might have missed that on PrusaLink - I've created an internal ticket BFW-5691 to investigate, though this has probably quite a low priority.

I perhaps recommend opening a Github issue for that.