While printing in single filament mode and inserting a Color change at a layer the filament jammed when being feed in. There was no way to stop it other than pressing the reset button and loosing the job.
Firmware - 6.1.3+7898
Expected functionality
If jammed (grinding noise), maybe use a double click of the selection knob to stop the feed and allow you to use the knob to move the filament motor in either direction to help remove the jam. Once cleared, a single press would resume the filament loading stage and complete the filament change.
Printer model
Describe the enhancement
While printing in single filament mode and inserting a Color change at a layer the filament jammed when being feed in. There was no way to stop it other than pressing the reset button and loosing the job.
Firmware - 6.1.3+7898
Expected functionality
If jammed (grinding noise), maybe use a double click of the selection knob to stop the feed and allow you to use the knob to move the filament motor in either direction to help remove the jam. Once cleared, a single press would resume the filament loading stage and complete the filament change.