prusa3d / Prusa-Firmware

Firmware for Original Prusa i3 3D printer by PrusaResearch
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[QUESTION] Add 3 more material slots to MMU2S for MK3S #4634

Closed Axolotelking closed 3 months ago

Axolotelking commented 3 months ago

Hallo I added 3 more material slots for the MMU2S for the MK3S.

I would like to know what I need to change in the code to add T5-T7 in the G-Code.

I already added the T5-T7 function on the MMU2S firmware and tested them by swaping the T1-T3 with them.

When useing Powershell I can monitor the print and I get no response if there are T5-T7s in the G-Code.

I use the Prusa-Firmware-3.12.2 and the MM-control-01-1.0.6.

I already changed the the Extruder value in the MMU code from 5-8.

In the Prusa-Firmware-3.12.2 I changed the values in Marlin_main.cpp from 4-7 and added T5, T6 and T7 in mmu.h in the line enum class MmuCmd : uint_least8_t.

else if(code_seen('T')) {

  int index;
  bool load_to_nozzle = false;
  for (index = 1; *(strchr_pointer + index) == ' ' || *(strchr_pointer + index) == '\t'; index++);

  *(strchr_pointer + index) = tolower(*(strchr_pointer + index));

  if ((*(strchr_pointer + index) < '0' || *(strchr_pointer + index) > '7') && *(strchr_pointer + index) != '?' && *(strchr_pointer + index) != 'x' && *(strchr_pointer + index) != 'c') {
      SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Invalid T code.");

Dose some one know what else I have to change, to be able to use T5-T7 in the G-code ?

Thank you very much for your time! Bernd

3d-gussner commented 3 months ago

@Axolotelking Hi, you have to use newer versions of the

In MMU firmware you need to modify the /src/config/config.h to your design

In the Prusa-Firmware you gonna need to modify

I may have missed few things but I hope you can continue.

May I ask for a picture of your design? Always nice to see the community modifying the printers and MMU.

Axolotelking commented 3 months ago

Hi I alredy changed a lot in the old software is it not possible in the old version?

I will send a picture when i finished the testing and assemble it compleatly.

3d-gussner commented 3 months ago

Hi I already changed a lot in the old software is it not possible in the old version?

Please don't waste your time on the old firmware as the MMU development is now on Prusa-Firmware-MMU.

FW 3.13.2 should already expect the MMU 3.0.x firmware.

Axolotelking commented 3 months ago

Hi I used the new firmware and changed the lines you told me about, but during the test today the print imediently stopped whenever T5, T6 or T7 were in the G-Code.

Is this error only in my code or do I have to change more?

3d-gussner commented 3 months ago

Hi I used the new firmware and changed the lines you told me about, but during the test today the print imediently stopped whenever T5, T6 or T7 were in the G-Code.

Is this error only in my code or do I have to change more?

As I wrote above these changes I have found may not be enough and you need to look deeper. I have found these changes within few minutes so I could point you in the correct direction.

3d-gussner commented 3 months ago

A suggestion: Create a fork of both firmwares and publish your changes there, the community may be able to help you. @ComunidadMaker3D has been working on a 10 slot MMU and maybe you find in these forks of Prusa-Firmware and Prusa-Firmware-MMU something that helps.

Axolotelking commented 3 months ago

Ok thank you very much!

3d-gussner commented 3 months ago

@Axolotelking Please consider to close this issue to keep the issue tracker small.