prusa3d / Prusa-Link-Web

Prusa Web interface resources
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[ENHANCEMENT] Make API key entry a password field and/or set an authentication cookie #222

Open RichiH opened 2 years ago

RichiH commented 2 years ago

Prusa Mini, Filament sensor & ESP01S installed, v4.4.0-beta2

Connecting to Prusa Link Beta requires an API key through a clear text field. Browser do not autodetect this as a password field, so they do not offer to save the API key. Neither does Prusa Link Beta set a cookie with the API key. This means that I have to look up and enter the API key every single time.

For more convenience, please

  1. make the API key entry a password field, and/or
  2. set an authentication cookie.
Bazimek commented 2 years ago

Yes please!

chrishilbert commented 2 years ago

Agreed to both suggestions. Would be nice if it was linked to Prusa Slicer some how. Like I could launch Prusa Link FROM Prusa Slicer with the configured IP/API key sent over automatically. That wouldn't require a cookie or anything if you could just submit it to the form.

Prusa-Support commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion.

Our developers will look into this. Also, this behavior may change when the MINI will be added to Prusa Connect.

Michele Moramarco Prusa Research

mix579 commented 2 years ago

+1. Very irritating

mix579 commented 2 years ago

Just to clarify, as the issue #2428 was closed as related:

I see this as two separate but tightly linked issues.

First, the suggestion to turn the browser field from clear text into a password field. Now password managers can autofill it. However, without addressing suggestion 2 I would still get prompted every time for the API key.

Suggestion 2 (implementing a cookie) would address being prompted every time but would not allow a password manager to autofill the field. So the two ideas are closely related but not identical.

When I posted #2428, I was concerned about being prompted every time and didn't even think about the password field idea. Obviously I am supportive of a solution to BOTH of these issues.

ondratu commented 2 years ago

I was close that issue because the API type login in PrusaLink Web was temporary. In next release, only HTTP Digest will be allowed.

So i closed that issue, it is solved at this moment for all our printers. Please wait for next firmware for MINI.

RichiH commented 2 years ago

Thanks @ondratu !

Is there a release date for the alpha / beta / full release?

Prusa-Support commented 1 year ago

Hard to tell @RichiH, but we already got the first release candidate (= almost stable) Firmware-Buddy v4.4.0-RC1. The next release shouldn't be far, it's a matter of time. 🙂

Michele Moramarco Prusa Research

mix579 commented 1 year ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here but I'm running v4.40-RC1, and I still get prompted for the API key every time. Nor is it recognized as a password field by 1Password? So I don't understand why it's closed.

Prusa-Support commented 1 year ago

I was close that issue because the API type login in PrusaLink Web was temporary. In next release, only HTTP Digest will be allowed.

So i closed that issue, it is solved at this moment for all our printers. Please wait for next firmware for MINI.

Firmware-Buddy v4.4.0-RC1 release is prior to this Please wait for the next release.

Michele Moramarco Prusa Research

GithubUser99999999 commented 1 year ago

Now after v4.4.0 final has been released, this still hasn't changed and I have to enter a cryptic string of characters EVERY SINGLE TIME I want to use PrusaLink. Why did nobody ever try to actually use this so far?

mix579 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that. Wasn't that supposed to be fixed in the final release? At least now—for some reason—1Password seems to recognize it so I can use it to enter the password with one click.

KlausKraemer commented 1 year ago

As a private user I have all but no use for an API key. Memorizing these keys isn't possible if you have no eidetic brain. So I'm f***d when I want to access my PRUSA from a tablet or a Computer not in the vicinity of my printer. It's really very impractical.

Please make it simple and let users chose themselves:

Entering the API key via a password input would be also convenient to use a password manager.


RichiH commented 1 year ago

@Prusa-Support @ondratu unfortunately this is not actually resolved in the current firmware. Could you please re-open this issue?

ondratu commented 1 year ago

Will be fixed in new 4.5.x release

drakor007 commented 1 year ago

"Will be fixed in new 4.5.x release" Reported on Aug 22 👎

MartinZubek commented 1 year ago

Will be fixed in new 4.5.x release

So you basically mean we'll have to wait another year for it? 😮

If I am looking correctly it takes about a year to release a minor version update (4.3.4 was released in December 2021 and 4.4 in November 2022). Let's hope there is something planned sooner than that.

remys83 commented 1 year ago

I hope 4.5.X is released ASAP to resolve this or the fix is included in a sooner 4.4.X version. I'm tempted to roll back the firmware because this is very inconvenient to enter the API each time. The only way I've gotten around this is to not close the browser tab and the link is maintained (for awhile).

guitar24t commented 1 year ago

I'm disappointed to see that this wasn't fixed in the 4.4.1 firmware. Is there an eta on 4.5.x firmware release where this issue will be resolved? We use many minis with PrusaLink local in a print farm environment for our shop and having to type the API key every time is awful. We want to be able to disable it or at the very least have our browsers remember it. I would happily compile a custom firmware for this machine without the feature enabled, however, I don't want to void our warranties.

KlausKraemer commented 1 year ago

Promises, promises....

Get rid of that nagging, mandatory API-key forced also on users that never need it!

ondratu commented 1 year ago

It is easy. Our new code, which is in repo didn't accept Api-Key as login credential any more. And we focus to new firmware version. Fixing any old code, which is deleted yet, creates new delay to releasing new firmware. Fixes of old firmware (like 4.4.1) is about printing.

Please, stay tuned. We are working hard on new features for 4.5.0, which increase printer connectivity services.

mix579 commented 1 year ago

Happy to hear this.

Kinda related: are there ANY plans to integrate the Mini's PrusaLink implementation into PrusaConnect. The Mini was touted originally as the "ideal farm" printer, and now the Minis are the only printers in my arsenal I can't control as part of the farm with PrusaConnect.

Prusa-Support commented 1 year ago

Yes, MINI will be made compatible with Prusa Connect. Unfortunately, we don't have a time estimation for that either.

Michele Moramarco Prusa Research

jagr200 commented 1 year ago

Imagine thinking an API key is necessary for a 3D printer.... This is awful. What a terrible service yet again.

MartinZubek commented 1 year ago

I'm still hoping that some kind of fix for this is just around the corner.. 🙁

Imagine you have to enter the key several times a day for your home printer. Even when it is just copy-paste, it's still tedious. At least if there was some way how to save the key to that field, but since the field itself is not a password field, even the browser can't help with this here.

Come on guys, I don't believe that this is the way you want us have it. And please don't let us wait several more months until some next major release, please fix it with patch release.

Prusa-Support commented 1 year ago

This is a work in progress. You can roughly monitor the progress at We can't provide an estimate for the final release and its implementation. Please mind that Prusa Link is at an early development stage.

Michele Moramarco Prusa Research

oubrecht-com commented 1 year ago

Next good way is add API key as parameter into url. For example: I have printer only in private network and it is not any secure risk for me.

MikeKovarik commented 1 year ago


this does not and should not take a year to make.

  1. Add checkbox saying "Remember this API key for next time?" to the login popup
  2. Store the api key to localStorage
  3. Next time the app decides it needs to nag user for the api key, it first looks it up in localStorage, otherwise opens the annoying popup.

It's that simple, 10 lines of code at best. Here, I even wrote it down here for you. Just copy paste it. Though it's raw html & js, I don't know what framework you're using, I haven't looked into the code yet. But I can even create a PR for you if you won't shoot it down for security reasons.

in the popup inside <form> add:

<input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="remember">
<label for="remember">Remember this API key for next time?</label>

and in the submit handler add

const remember = document.queryString('input#remember').checked
if (remember) localStorage.apiKey = theVariableWithApiKeyGoesHere

and then wherever needed in intialization

const {apiKey} = localStorage // load from localStorage to prevent multiple sync access' to it
if (apiKey && apiKey.length > 0 && /* some validity check for sure */) {
  // don't annoy user here
} else {
  // open the popup

Sure this is just per-device and even per-browser partial solution. And some undoubtedly see (honestly minimal) security threats in this solution. I don't disagree. But we're all hobbyists here. Let's not be so uptight, and just add some security warning there saying don't remember the key on public computers (common sense) and we're done here. At least until safer solution can be properly developed.

oubrecht-com commented 1 year ago

Hi, I use for autologin to PrusaLink Firefox with extension (AddOn) "Header Editor". I make there rule for specific IP address that this extensinon has change "x-api-key" in HEAD.

Extension for Firefox is here: here:

Here is printscreen of settings of this my extension and exportet my rule:



MikeKovarik commented 1 year ago

That's a good idea. But I'm mostly using the prusalink from my phone to check if I should get off the couch yet 🫤

mix579 commented 1 year ago

@oubrecht-com That's actually a great stopgap solution until a proper mechanism gets implemented. The same extension is available for Chrome, which I'm using. Works perfectly.

Prusa-Support commented 1 year ago

I'm happy to see you sharing ideas and alternative solutions but rest assured, we are working on this. On a side note, we don't really consider making the API visible in the URL a viable solution - Even when you are connected to the local network, adding an authentication value in URL would be less safe than what we aim for.

We don't have a timeframe yet, but the solution will most likely come along with the next "big" MINI firmware upgrade (4.5.x or 5.x.x). Also, the MINI in the future will be available for Prusa Connect, allowing safe remote connection even outside of the local network.

A lot of propaedeutic job has been already done and I seem to understand there is still quite a work ahead to be done. Thanks for bearing with us.

Michele Moramarco Prusa Research

mix579 commented 1 year ago

the MINI in the future will be available for Prusa Connect

This day can't arrive too soon!

pabutterworth commented 1 year ago

The Mini does seem to be the forgotten cousin, firmware enhancements are so slow

bolsoncerrado commented 1 year ago

+1 for the MK4 fix.

Also explained politely here:

fhollermayer commented 1 year ago

If I'm not mistaken this is still an issue – and I really don't get why.

Sure, new features are in focus. An updated authentication strategy that renders the API keys approach outdated is reason enough to reduce work on stuff like this issue to an absolute minimum. I get that switching over to localStorage is a security concern and implementing cookies goes against the switch to username/password auth. But in it's current state – one year after this issue was created – Prusa Link Web for the MINI+ is pretty much only usable to upload files and start prints via PrusaSlicer. There was time spent developing a web application that nobody uses because it requires an API key to be entered every single session.

And all that while the fix to the initial problem would be to replace the string text with password in templates/components/modal/apiKey.html

MR2C280 commented 1 year ago

For those of us who are not in a production enviroment (home user), security is of ZERO importance. Who/why would anyone want to hack into my printer? Can we please just have a option on the printer that turns off Prusa Link security altogether? (Prusa Connect is another matter).

joelspadin commented 1 year ago

Switching to HTTP digest authentication is actually worse for me. Previously, I could work around this by telling my password manager (Dashlane) that the API key field should be filled with a username and saving my API key as the username. Now, on my MK4, there is no such option because Dashlane will only auto fill digest authentication for HTTPS.

LMDavid commented 1 year ago

This is what i've come up with using TamperMonkey until Prusa releases the new final firmware so i can use the browser password manager:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Prusa Link - Make API field a password type field
// @namespace
// @version      1.0
// @description  Changes the API field type to 'password' so the browser can remember the API key
// @author       LMDavid
// @match        http://prusa-mini/
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

'use strict';

(new MutationObserver(check)).observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});

function check(changes, observer) {
    let el = document.querySelector('#apiKey');
    if (el) {
        el.type = 'password';

        let parentEl = el.parentElement;
        let bt = parentEl.querySelector('button');
        bt.addEventListener('click', () => {
            observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});

        let formWrapper = document.createElement('form');
        let frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
        while (parentEl.firstChild) {


You should change http://prusa-mini/ with your IP address.

Burtfaceman commented 1 year ago

@LMDavid your script works great! Thanks!

For everyone who doesn't know (like me up until today): Tampermonkey is a browser extension that alters the execution of a web page using scripts stored locally on your device. Install the plugin, add LMDavid's script (modify as instructed), and your browser will save the API key as if it were a password.