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Live Raspberry CPU temperature monitoring and serial transmission console on PrusaLink web page. #955

Open dwprod38 opened 4 months ago

dwprod38 commented 4 months ago

After installing prusalink 0.7.2 on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 itself plugged on Prusa MK2.5S+ with serial USB cable, I've noticed a layer shift phenomenon after ~2hours printing on 3 different STL files... After changing USB cable: same issue...

After transferring identical STL files to SD card (downloaded files from prusalink on PC and copied to SD card to check corrupted files or not): everything works fine after ~4 hours printing on MK2.5S+...

Moving this Raspberry Pi Zero 2 to MK3S+ (plugged on Einsy Board) and used same files : everything works fine after ~4 hours printing...

So I've suspected overtemp issue on CPU of Raspberry Pi Zero 2 or data corrupted on serial USB responsible of layer shift. For investigation, I need to visualize CPU temperature and serial transmission checksum during printing.

Thanks for support ;)

TojikCZ commented 4 months ago

Hi, sorry, there's no temp monitoring for the pi. You'd have to set up that yourself. However, I use checksums for the print gcode. Not sure if the pi produces log messages for overtemp into the syslog. You can download it in PrusaLink web, umder settings tap. You can send that to me if you want. Overtemp should not cause layer shifts tho. The gcode should still transfer correctly, it would just get slowed down, if it slows down too much, you would see visible print quality issues like blobs, as the nozzle stops in place waiting for the next gcode line . You should not get layer shifts from that. This is interesting, but unfortunately not much i will be able to do about it 🫤 unfortunately MK3 PrusaLink is reeeeally low priority now.

dwprod38 commented 4 months ago

Thx for answering!

A simple command line could be used in prusalink --> watch -n 1 vcgencmd measure_temp for displaying live CPU monitoring in PrusaLink web page ;)

Back to MK2.5S+ and RPi Zero 2 issue: everything works fine with Mk3S+ (serial communication used with GPio port) but something gone wrong with micro USB serial port... I'll try with slow speed printing set at 80% to observe results.

And if I have time, I'll try to use old RPi3 connected to MK2.5S+ with serial USB port...

See you !

TojikCZ commented 4 months ago

Yea, you can use ssh to log into the raspi. Setup is the same as with usual raspi os. either you enable SSH in the imager, or you enable it by putting an empty file named "ssh" into the bootfs partition of the SD card. After booting, you can connect to the raspi using the login credentials you specified, or the default ones user: jo password: raspberry

dwprod38 commented 4 months ago

I've noticed a strange WiFi flow degradation on Rpi Zero 2 installed in Prusa MK2.5S compared with second external Raspberry Pi zero 2. So I've installed wireshark remotly to check Wifi and I've discovered issues on serial line exchange: after ~2 hours, drop package error started to be displayed with some timeout... and the shielded case on Rpi Zero 2 (Wifi/Bluetooth/...) was very hot !!!

After exchanging with my second Raspberry Pi Zero 2 and installed in case attached on Prusa MK2.5S : PrusaLink works fine after 10,5 hours printing !!! --> the old Rpi Zero 2 have issue

To answering april 10th message: using the command line requires a computer and a minimum of knowledge that is not within everyone's reach. The purpose of the PrusaLink software is normally dedicated to monitoring easily the printer on smartphone or tablet with all graphical information as shown in the following photo from the Repetier software which is installed on an Rpi3. It should be a beautiful next upgrade project for PrusaLink ;)
