prusa3d / PrusaSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (RepRap, Makerbot, Ultimaker etc.)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add Brim Setting Options for Single Object #1033

Closed carlvonkessler closed 2 years ago

carlvonkessler commented 5 years ago



Operating system type + version

win10 home


This is a feature from previous versions that is no longer available.

What if I need a brim on a single object and not the entire print?

STL/Config (.ZIP) where problem occurs

bubnikv commented 5 years ago

Are you sure it is a regression issue for the Slic3r Prusa Edition? This looks like a new feature in the upstream Slic3r.

carlvonkessler commented 5 years ago

Slic3r 1.29.x stable does lack a number of the settings choices for a single object including an brim. Maybe a feature request would be more appropriate? We can close this thread if it's mis-categorized.

bubnikv commented 5 years ago

ok, for the Prusa Edition Slic3r it is a new feature, so I have re-classified it.

GrubbyZebra commented 5 years ago

I too would like to see this feature implemented.

jmckeown2 commented 5 years ago

Is this easier or harder to implement after the PrusaSlicer 2.0 restructuring?

carlvonkessler commented 5 years ago

It’s much better with PrusaSlicer

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 05:38 jmckeown2 wrote:

Is this easier or harder to implement after the PrusaSlicer 2.0 restructuring?

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-- Carl von Kessler International and Development Economist +1-415-269-1704 skype: carlvonkessler

thalesfsp commented 4 years ago

@carlvonkessler Do you have this feature in the roadmap? Thanks!

gmccauley commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature

pokono commented 4 years ago


ManuGithubSteam commented 4 years ago


tdiggity commented 4 years ago

+1 this would be great to have.

andrewluebke commented 4 years ago

+1 this would be great for printing a multipart piece which only one item needs a brim.

Jebtrix commented 4 years ago

+1 That would be one less workaround. For simply choosing individual pieces I currently have to do it this way. It works but saving print time of unused brim would be appreciated.

Brim MultiPart Control_1

Brim MultiPart Control_2

vansoest commented 4 years ago


DuncanLHS commented 4 years ago


WarrenSchultz commented 4 years ago

Tree supports sometimes could really use a brim, so this would be a big improvement for me.

audiorazor commented 4 years ago

Would be awesome to implement this sooner than later. Seems like it would be easy to add with a modifier but what do I know.

nellering commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature

ManIkWeet commented 4 years ago

+1 I run into this too often

singultus commented 4 years ago

Please make it compatible for multipart objects. While printing multicolour with mmu the single color brim leaves discoloration marks on the parts with a different co or.

Robagon3D commented 4 years ago


icemanx commented 4 years ago


codyolsen commented 4 years ago


F0x06 commented 4 years ago


subsite commented 4 years ago

+1 The "Add settings" feature for separate objects is great, but it lacks the IMO most useful one.

jcwren commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature. Sure could use it right now.

Windscreen2011 commented 4 years ago

+1 One more upvote. PS 2.2 seems to have per part settings for nearly everything, but this.

houmark commented 4 years ago

Another request for per object brim.

koporcam commented 4 years ago

+1 That would be one less workaround. For simply choosing individual pieces I currently have to do it this way. It works but saving print time of unused brim would be appreciated.

Brim MultiPart Control_1

Brim MultiPart Control_2

+1 That would be one less workaround. For simply choosing individual pieces I currently have to do it this way. It works but saving print time of unused brim would be appreciated.

Brim MultiPart Control_1

Brim MultiPart Control_2

Jebtrix, I must be missing what you are doing. Can you explain? Thanks!

johnlaur commented 4 years ago


Though instead of brim modifiers, what I think most people are after are 'mouse ears' where a modifier simply puts down 100% coverage on the first layer but outlines all existing perimeters. A very very very useful addition would be to add breakaway tab support to both brims and this proposed feature as in #2827

Edit: I figured out a method to force PrusaSlicer to sort of do what I want:

1) Add PART shape, one layer thick (0.15mm here) and place it under your stubborn area image

2) Right click the part to add infill and layer/perimeter modifiers to it. 2) Set 100% infill, no top/bottom layers, NO PERIMETER 3) Slice 4) Go back and adjust your modifiers how you like. Re-slice. You should get something like this: image

It's important you slice once without perimeters, then again with. If you don't do this the modifier will intersect with the object

You can play with the number of perimeters (including zero) and different/sparser infills if you need cleaner breakaways or use concentric if you want a brim-like effect. This is better than adding a "Part" modifier alone it does not intersect and interfere with the extrusion pattern on the first layer of your actual object.

Compare the above to this "Part" layer without modifiers which is usually how people are doing mouse-ears (Not what we want): image

ThePirat91 commented 4 years ago

+1 for this very useful addition

klsc18 commented 3 years ago

+1 need it many times I print multiple parts

narical commented 3 years ago

Edit: I figured out a method to force PrusaSlicer to sort of do what I want:

1. Add PART shape, one layer thick (0.15mm here) and place it under your stubborn area

2. Right click the part to add infill and layer/perimeter modifiers to it.

3. Set 100% infill, no top/bottom layers, **NO PERIMETER**

4. Slice

5. Go back and adjust your modifiers how you like. Re-slice. You should get something like this:

Not working for me, sadly. This issue is the only reason I intalled Cura slicer and trying to learn it ((

neophyl commented 3 years ago

You could always use Super Slicer, which is a fork of Prusa Slicer which has had this feature for awhile as well as other brim tweaks.

ChiefPoints commented 3 years ago

I run into this on a nearly daily basis, especially when trying to fit lots of smaller pieces on the build plate. Not having the ability to add a brim via a piece by piece basis seems like a very strange omission given the other modifiers we have access to in Prusa Slicer. Please add this in as soon as possible so we end up using one less workaround. Thanks!

wavexx commented 3 years ago

You could always use Super Slicer, which is a fork of Prusa Slicer which has had this feature for awhile as well as other brim tweaks.

Is there a specific commit that introduces this option? Maybe it's easy to backport.

neophyl commented 3 years ago

Not sure wavexx. I do know that the whole brim functionality is different and imo much better. Firstly the brim moves with the part so even if you set a large elephants foot compensation it moves in with the first layer. There is then a brim offset which moves it out from the first layer by a specified amount. This decouples it from elephants foot so no more ‘my brim isn’t attached issues’ while still allowing easy removal if that adjustment is needed.

You then have all the other options, like brim on outside and inside options which is useful for things like tubes etc, there are brim ears which only adds brims at corners, you can nest a small part inside a larger part and still get a brim on it with one of the other options which you can not do in PS. I really like PS and all the work that has gone into it and use it a lot, but Super Slicer is like the tinkerers version, with loads more settings made available so if you like to experiment it’s just got more options.

mneumark commented 3 years ago

Any word from Prusa on this? 2.3.0a2 seems to have added a lot of settings per object, but not brim....any chance this could be added in 2.3.0?

LuisHerrero92 commented 3 years ago

+1. Skirt option would be also appreciated in my case.

ThePirat91 commented 3 years ago

+1 for the brim options on 2.3.0

bubnikv commented 3 years ago

@neophyl commented on Sep 9

You could always use Super Slicer, which is a fork of Prusa Slicer which has had this feature for awhile as well as other brim tweaks.

Once you start experimenting with SS brim settings, you will soon find out that SS (and the upstream Slic3r) will happily extrude brim of one object over the brim of another object. Sure, sometimes it works correctly, but we already have enough of bug reports on supports of different objects overlapping. We cannot do that to our support guys to merge such a feature.

@hejllukas is currently working on a new implementation of brims per object / internal brims, that would not extrude one over the other. It is most likely though, that we will have to limit the brim width to a global value and just enable / disable external resp. internal brims per object.

narical commented 3 years ago

Once you start experimenting with SS brim settings, you will soon find out that SS (and the upstream Slic3r) will happily extrude brim of one object over the brim of another object. Sure, sometimes it works correctly, but we already have enough of bug reports on supports of different objects overlapping. We cannot do that to our support guys to merge such a feature.

For now it's much better than not being able to do sequential printing at all. Now PS prints all brims for all objects first, then begins to print objects themselves - with bad adhesion to bed and brims. My prints fails so often that I almost forced to use another slicer. I tried SS and it works much better in that case. Can't describe how much happy I am not using Cura anymore!

zeno4ever commented 3 years ago

+1 for the next PrusaSlicer version

stevenvo commented 3 years ago

this should be added, +1

ThePirat91 commented 3 years ago

+1 for the next version

rogery555 commented 3 years ago

Insane how this is not an option

root-hal9000 commented 3 years ago

seems like a no brainer - there are modifier settings for way more advanced settings

astupidmoose commented 2 years ago

Honestly I just assumed this would be a modifier.. was upset it wasn't lol.

lukasmatena commented 2 years ago

Upcoming PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha1 will allow to set brim for each object separately. Closing.

LuisHerrero92 commented 2 years ago

Skirt settings too? Thank you!