When creating a color change in the layers, you can right click on the new color area and the "colour" menu appears. I create a 255, 0, 255 color (Magenta) and click "Add to Custom Colours", then click ok. The color for that area of the sliced model changes correctly. However, the next time I open that menu, the saved customer colour is not there. I have tried with multiple other colours and saving the custom colour multiple times. However, each time I open the menu, the custom colors are missing.
Project file & How to reproduce
Slice the model
use the right slider to go to where you want the color change
click the plus button to add a color change
move the slider up
right click on the new color area and the colour selection menu opens
will in the custom color area
click add to custom colours
select the custom color and click ok
right click again on the slider for the area where you want to change the color
Description of the bug
When creating a color change in the layers, you can right click on the new color area and the "colour" menu appears. I create a 255, 0, 255 color (Magenta) and click "Add to Custom Colours", then click ok. The color for that area of the sliced model changes correctly. However, the next time I open that menu, the saved customer colour is not there. I have tried with multiple other colours and saving the custom colour multiple times. However, each time I open the menu, the custom colors are missing.
Project file & How to reproduce
Checklist of files included above
Version of PrusaSlicer
Operating system
Windows 11
Printer model
Prusa MK4S