prusa3d / PrusaSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (RepRap, Makerbot, Ultimaker etc.)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
7.71k stars 1.93k forks source link

PrusaSlicer failed to build deps due to LNK1394 and error C2220 with MSVC on windows in ASAN mode #8784

Closed spacelg closed 8 months ago

spacelg commented 2 years ago

Description of the bug

Hi All,

Environment: VS 2019 + Windows Server 2019

PrusaSlicer failed to build deps due to 'LINK : fatal error LNK1394: cannot infer default ASAN libraries; please specify them on the link command line' and 'error C2220: ... the following warning is treated as an error' with MSVC on windows in ASAN mode. Could you please help look at this issue?

And it can build pass in non-ASAN mode.

Project file & How to reproduce

Repro steps:

  1. git clone F:\gitP\prusa3d\PrusaSlicer
  2. Open a VS2019 x64 command.
  3. cd F:\gitP\prusa3d\PrusaSlicer\deps && mkdir PrusaSlicer-deps && cd F:\gitP\prusa3d\PrusaSlicer\deps\PrusaSlicer-deps
  4. set CL= /fsanitize=address /GS- /wd5072 & set LINK= /InferASanLibs /incremental:no /debug
  5. cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.18362.0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  6. msbuild /m /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /t:Rebuild

Errors: 19>LINK : fatal error LNK1394: cannot infer default ASAN libraries; please specify them on the link command line [F:\gitP\prusa3d\PrusaSlicer\deps\PrusaSlicer-deps\dep_GLEW-prefix\src\dep_GLEW-build\glew.vcxproj] [F:\gitP\prusa3d\PrusaSlicer\deps\PrusaSlicer-deps\dep_GLEW.vcxproj] ... 16>F:\gitP\prusa3d\PrusaSlicer\deps\PrusaSlicer-deps\dep_TBB-prefix\src\dep_TBB\include\oneapi\tbb\detail_utils.h(289): error C2220: <func:#14136 "??$run_initializer@Vlambda_38710ea00aac6a4251ba39913ba67f6a>@@@d0@detail@tbb@@YAXAEBV<lambda_38710ea00aac6a4251ba39913ba67f6a@@AEAU?$atomic@W4do_once_state@d0@detail@tbb@@@std@@@Z"> the following warning is treated as an error [F:\gitP\prusa3d\PrusaSlicer\deps\PrusaSlicer-deps\dep_OpenVDB-prefix\src\dep_OpenVDB-build\openvdb\openvdb\cmd\vdb_print.vcxproj] [F:\gitP\prusa3d\PrusaSlicer\deps\PrusaSlicer-deps\dep_OpenVDB.vcxproj]


Checklist of files included above

Version of PrusaSlicer

master branch dba1179 commit

Operating system

Windows Server 2019

Printer model

not clear

lukasmatena commented 8 months ago

Closing, outdated.