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axiom-scan ffuf - no such file or directory: #356

Closed Techbrunch closed 3 years ago

Techbrunch commented 3 years ago

I'm running into an error when trying to run ffuf using axiom-scan. For some reasons it looks like the directory is not correctly created on the instance:

axiom-scan test.txt -m ffuf -o test

  ____ __  __(_)___  ____ ___        ______________ _____
 / __ `/ |/_/ / __ \/ __ `__ \______/ ___/ ___/ __ `/ __ \
/ /_/ />  </ / /_/ / / / / / /_____(__  ) /__/ /_/ / / / /
\__,_/_/|_/_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/     /____/\___/\__,_/_/ /_/


Module: [ ffuf  ] | Input: [ 1 targets ] | Instances: 1 [ noyce01 ]
Command: [ /home/op/go/bin/ffuf -t 150 -w /home/op/lists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt -u '_target_/FUZZ' -of csv -o _output_/_cleantarget_ -ac ] | Threads: [ 1 ] | Ext: [csv]
Building file structure...[ OK ]
Uploading input files...
[15:40:15] [THREAD] [/Users/xxx/.axiom/interact/axiom-scp /Users/xxx/.axiom/tmp/ffuf+1623073214/input/noyce01 noyce01:/home/op/scan/ffuf+1623073214/input --cache -F=/Users/xxx/.axiom/tmp/ffuf+1623073214/sshconfig >/dev/null 2>&1; touch /Users/xxx/.axiom/tmp/ffuf+1623073214/logs/noyce01] Added to Queue
[*] ENABLING ONESHOT MODE! STARTING 1 TOTAL THREADS. Using 1 threads per instance with 1 instances...
[15:40:19] [THREAD] [ssh -F /Users/xxx/.axiom/tmp/ffuf+1623073214/sshconfig -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no noyce01 'cd /home/op/scan/ffuf+1623073214; interlace --silent -threads 1 -tL input -cL command -o output' >> /Users/xxx/.axiom/tmp/ffuf+1623073214/logs/noyce01 2>&1] Added to Queue
zsh:cd:1: no such file or directory: /home/op/scan/ffuf+1623073214
usage: interlace [-h] [-t TARGET | -tL FILE] [-e EXCLUSIONS | -eL FILE]
                 [-threads THREADS] [-timeout TIMEOUT] [-pL FILE]
                 (-c COMMAND | -cL FILE) [-o OUTPUT] [-p PORT] [--proto PROTO]
                 [-rp REALPORT] [-random RANDOM] [--no-cidr] [--no-color]
                 [--no-bar] [--repeat REPEAT] [-v | --silent]
interlace: error: The path input does not exist!
[15:40:20] [THREAD] [axiom-scp noyce01:/home/op/scan/ffuf+1623073214/output/* /Users/xxx/.axiom/tmp/ffuf+1623073214/output/ --cache -F=/Users/xxx/.axiom/tmp/ffuf+1623073214/sshconfig >/dev/null 2>&1] Added to Queue
Mode set to CSV, merging...
Module [ ffuf  ] | Time: [ 00h:00m:08s ] | Input: [ 1 targets ]
Output saved to 'test'! Local logs saved to '/Users/xxx/.axiom/logs/ffuf+1623073214'! Remote logs saved to '/home/op/scan/ffuf+1623073214'!

It looks like this command is not ran:

Techbrunch commented 3 years ago

I found the issue, I was using an older version of Interlace that did not support the --no-bar flag. Updating Interlace fixed the issue.

I would be nice to add a --debug mode to make this can of issue easier to debug.

Techbrunch commented 2 years ago

Looks like I ran into the same issue and I ended up creating a new issue in the Interlace repo this time:

0xtavian commented 2 years ago

@Techbrunch keep in mind you will also get this error when there is no more free space left on the instance.

Techbrunch commented 2 years ago

Good to know, here this was clearly not the case, for some reasons interlace was not in my path. (and by here I mean today which was another problem than the original issue but since I ended up here anyway I linked my two issues for future me).

0xtavian commented 2 years ago

@Techbrunch also make sure you are on the latest version and there are no git conflicts. cd $HOME/.axiom && git status, make sure to fix any errors then run axiom-update. Aside from this, I believe there is a bug in MacOS where interlace isn’t added to path.