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"axiom-backup" is not implemented for AWS #688

Closed h49nakxs closed 1 year ago

h49nakxs commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

As the title states, the command "axiom-backup" is not implemented when using AWS.

You can implement it by adding the following code at the end of "~/.axiom/interact/axiom-backup" :

if [[ "$provider" == "aws" ]]; then
tput setaf 4; echo "Enter the instance ID to use for axiom-init/axiom-fleet"
tput setaf 15; aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{Instance_ID:InstanceId,Zone:Placement.AvailabilityZone,State:State.Name,Name:Tags[?Key==`Name`]|[0].Value}' --output table
tput setaf 6; read awsid
aws ec2 create-image --instance-id "$awsid" --name $snapshot_name
jq '.imageid="'$snapshot_name'"' <"$account_path">"$AXIOM_PATH"/tmp.json ; mv "$AXIOM_PATH"/tmp.json "$account_path"
tput setaf 4; echo "Created image out of EC2 instance"
tput setaf 6; echo "Updated "$account_path" , replaced imageid $imageid with $snapshot_name"
tput setaf 4; echo "It can take a few minutes for the image to become active"
tput setaf 6; echo "Once the image is active run axiom-init or axiom-fleet to deploy using your custom image"

0xtavian commented 1 year ago

Thanks @h49nakxs for the three issues. Do you mind making a PR? If not I can try to look into this later tonight

h49nakxs commented 1 year ago

Ok, I will do that.