pry0cc / axiom

The dynamic infrastructure framework for everybody! Distribute the workload of many different scanning tools with ease, including nmap, ffuf, masscan, nuclei, meg and many more!
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Using axiom-scan for single target #705

Closed cyb3rsalih closed 1 year ago

cyb3rsalih commented 1 year ago

Hi! I want to use my custom module but getting a little problem.

My script gets 2 parameters ex: --payloads payloads.txt --target

I want to split only the payload list. So I crafted my module like this

command": "/home/op/ --payloads _wordlist_ --target input |tee -a output

I want to use it like this

axiom-scan -m myscript -wD payloads.txt -o results.txt

But axiom-scan wants a file as an input.

My question is Should I edit my script to get the target parameter from stdin or is there any option to handle this in axiom.


0xtavian commented 1 year ago

@cyb3rsalih you are very close! Try this

command": "/home/op/ --payloads input --target | tee -a output"

axiom-scan payloads.txt -m module

If you want to also supply a list of targets this won’t work. You’ll have to use a one-shot module.


cyb3rsalih commented 1 year ago

Thanks 🚀 By the way, Am I have to edit module each time for each target?

0xtavian commented 1 year ago


command": "/home/op/ --payloads input   | tee -a output"

axiom-scan payloads.txt -m module —target

this should work. :)