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modules/paramspider.json doesn't work with current version #747

Closed colemanjp closed 9 months ago

colemanjp commented 10 months ago

It looks like paramspider just got a major refactor

usage: paramspider [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-l LIST] [-s] [--proxy PROXY] [-p PLACEHOLDER]                            
   "ext":"",                                                                                                    │paramspider: error: Please provide either the -d option or the -l option.  

flags in module are no longer supported

-  "command":"python3 -u /home/op/recon/ParamSpider/ -d _target_ --exclude woff,css,js,png,svg,jpg -o _output_/_cleantarget_",

Related to #745

0xtavian commented 9 months ago

Thanks @colemanjp! Its been fixed with and Its now a Docker based module. You'll need to update (axiom-update), rebuild the Default provisioner (axiom-build default) and spin up a couple of fresh instances.

Or you could install the updates on a fleet already spun up and avoid rebuilding (for now). You would still have to update the controller (axiom-update) or just copy the new paramspider.json to ~/.axiom/modules/paramspider.json

axiom-exec git clone 
axiom-exec 'docker image build - < /home/op/minimal-pentesting-dockerfiles/paramspider/Dockerfile -t axiom/paramspider'
axiom-scan inputfile.txt -m paramspider

You can also LMK if you have any issues with the module. Thanks again.