pry0cc / axiom

The dynamic infrastructure framework for everybody! Distribute the workload of many different scanning tools with ease, including nmap, ffuf, masscan, nuclei, meg and many more!
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`axiom-exec` doesn't execute command #758

Closed rew1nter closed 8 months ago

rew1nter commented 8 months ago

image This is the situation I have. Just did the installation. No idea what went wrong

rew1nter commented 8 months ago

heres a full output of $ axiom-exec echo hi -f rebel01

Interlace v1.9.8    by Michael Skelton (@codingo_)
                    & Sajeeb Lohani (@sml555_)
[20:34:01] [THREAD] [ssh -F /home/user/.axiom/tmp/exec/1697034832/sshconfig -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no rebel01 'tmux new -d -s 1697034832 && tmux send-keys -t 1697034832 "bash -i /tmp/exec/1697034832/command  > >(tee -a /tmp/exec/1697034832/stdout.log) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/exec/1697034832/stderr.log >&2) ; touch /tmp/exec/1697034832/rebel01" ENTER ' "&& tmux send-keys -t 1697034832 exit ENTER"] Added to Queue 
bash: /tmp/exec/1697034832/command: No such file or directory

It just hangs there after that

0xtavian commented 8 months ago

@rew1nter thats odd. Can you run with --debug and post the log?

rew1nter commented 8 months ago

I just realized I forgot to install rsync during the manual(arch) installation. My bad. Its working fine now