pry0cc / axiom

The dynamic infrastructure framework for everybody! Distribute the workload of many different scanning tools with ease, including nmap, ffuf, masscan, nuclei, meg and many more!
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bash: /home/op/go/bin/httpx: No such file or directory #783

Closed proveyoureahuman closed 4 months ago

proveyoureahuman commented 4 months ago


I have an issue that i just can't seem to resolve - any help would be much appreciated!

 $ axiom-scan ~/Desktop/subs.txt -m httpx -resp -o ~/Desktop/http.txt

  ____ __  __(_)___  ____ ___        ______________ _____
 / __ `/ |/_/ / __ \/ __ `__ \______/ ___/ ___/ __ `/ __ \
/ /_/ />  </ / /_/ / / / / / /_____(__  ) /__/ /_/ / / / /
\__,_/_/|_/_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/     /____/\___/\__,_/_/ /_/

                                 & @0xtavian

Warning: Permanently added '[]:2266' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2266' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2266' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
creating scan working directory at : /home/op/scan/httpx+180840102815325/
module: [ httpx ] | module args: [  -resp ] | input: [ 188 lines ] |
instances:  3  [ tripe01 tripe02 tripe03 ] |
command: [ cat input | /home/op/go/bin/httpx -o output -resp ] | ext: [ txt ] | threads: [ null ]
spliting and distributing input file...
[ OK ]
==> /home/linux/.axiom/tmp/httpx+180840102815325/logs/tripe01 <==

==> /home/linux/.axiom/tmp/httpx+180840102815325/logs/tripe02 <==

==> /home/linux/.axiom/tmp/httpx+180840102815325/logs/tripe03 <==
bash: /home/op/go/bin/httpx: No such file or directory

==> /home/linux/.axiom/tmp/httpx+180840102815325/logs/tripe01 <==
bash: /home/op/go/bin/httpx: No such file or directory

==> /home/linux/.axiom/tmp/httpx+180840102815325/logs/tripe02 <==
bash: /home/op/go/bin/httpx: No such file or directory
tripe02 scan finished

==> /home/linux/.axiom/tmp/httpx+180840102815325/logs/tripe03 <==
tripe03 scan finished

==> /home/linux/.axiom/tmp/httpx+180840102815325/logs/tripe01 <==
tripe01 scan finished
mode set to txt.. sorting unique.
appending axiom-scan runtime statistics to : /home/linux/.axiom/stats.log
module: [ httpx ] | module args: [  -resp ] | instances: [ 3 ] | targets: [ 188 targets ] | results: [ 0 results ] |
runtime: [ 00h:00m:42s ] | date: [ Tue 20 Feb 14:20:28 ACDT 2024 ] | id: [ httpx+180840102815325 ] |                              
output: [ /home/linux/Desktop/http.txt ] | log: [ /home/linux/.axiom/logs/httpx+180840102815325 ] | remote: [ /home/op/scan/httpx+180840102815325 ]  |                                                                                                              
command: [ cat input | /home/op/go/bin/httpx -o output -resp ] | ext: [ txt ] | threads: [ null ]  

Error :

bash: /home/op/go/bin/httpx: No such file or directory

However, this works great. Both point to /home/op/go/bin/

$ axiom-scan spotify.txt -m dnsx -resp -o dns.txt

Maybe someone knows where I have gone wrong. Many thanks

0xtavian commented 4 months ago

@proveyoureahuman seems like httpx isn’t installed. You could rebuild with default which has httpx installed axiom-build default or install httpx with axiom-exec each time you spin up a fleet. Closing this issue but don’t hesitate to lmk if you still run into issues after rebuilding/installing httpx.

Also httpx doesn’t have a -resp argument IIRC.

0xtavian commented 4 months ago

Seems like httpx isn’t installing correctly. I’ll look into it. Thank you