prydie / stratum-mining-maxcoin

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Maxcoin stratum bounty: 1 BTC ! #5

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago


peconi commented 10 years ago

That's a very noble thing to do... Come to think of it - Max should've done it himself...

Other pools obviously got it figured out, alas, none of them want to share...

After a 15 hour coding / deploying spree - I need to go eat breakfast and then try to do something about it, even though I dunno where to fully begin.

I think one needs to replacement of ECDSA with Schnorr signing and 
use secp256r1 curve over secp256k1 (someone coined that whole sentence not me).

When comparing the code of startum-mining and MaxCoin itself: Stratum has: secp256k1 in

MaxCoin Has secp256r1 instead all over the place

Please let me know if someone gets the bounty - I want the code too ;)

ghost commented 10 years ago

"Come to think of it - Max should've done it himself..." They started their own pools, so guess why they didn't do this?!

PRE-mining on a different level..., Start your own pools BEFORE launch, and don't tell anyone how to start another pool !

At least we now know what max is all about. Lets hope they need our help in the future because we sure will let them pay for that!

Surgun commented 10 years ago

They need our help right now. Their pools cant handle all the miners...

peconi commented 10 years ago

I agree 100% with both of you.

Duke - how did you get your MPOS to show 1 miner and actual hash rate for pool?

BTW - email me at maxcoin [* at *] so that we can chat directly if you want. Share some info we both have (configs, etc.).

Thanks mate!

Surgun commented 10 years ago

"BTW - email me at maxcoin [* at *] so that we can chat directly if you want" is that for me too? emailed u, but no reaction ;)

peconi commented 10 years ago

Haha @Sergun ... I had to go and get some breakfast. I put in 15 hours last night into this thing. My head is exploding ...

I am now on that other thread with you we can continue talking there. Trying to get the thing to work, getting template_registry # [Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: invalid address

so close yet so far away

sergeyzwezdin commented 10 years ago

Nice to meet you @peconi ;-)