prysmaticlabs / prysm

Go implementation of Ethereum proof of stake
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.47k stars 999 forks source link

Unable to connect to peer nodes on prysm (Goerli) #11382

Closed FahdW closed 2 years ago

FahdW commented 2 years ago
[2022-09-01 02:02:15]  WARN powchain: Unable to cache headers for execution client votes error=(1661916256 > 1660182359): provided time is later than the current eth1 head
[2022-09-01 02:02:17]  INFO initial-sync: Waiting for enough suitable peers before syncing required=3 suitable=0
[2022-09-01 02:02:22]  INFO initial-sync: Waiting for enough suitable peers before syncing required=3 suitable=0
[2022-09-01 02:02:27]  INFO initial-sync: Waiting for enough suitable peers before syncing required=3 suitable=0

This is pretty much what i am getting from Prysm as i try and run geth

I am on Geth 1.0.23 Prysm 3.0.0

I have opened the ports approriately, my Geth was previously syncing and it can't get past the block that is the latest goerli block.

I performed a geth removedb but that seems to have yielded nothing because i previously ran this chain on snap mode, i am unsure if that is contributing to it. However Prysm just refuses to sync to a peer

nisdas commented 2 years ago

You need to provide a genesis state for goerli, please look at our docs for the correct steps to run prysm.

FahdW commented 2 years ago

Hey there, I followed the docs and used the genesis link that is provided there and still no luck

for reference

Starting Prysm beacon-chain --http-web3provider=/home/ubuntu/.ethereum/goerli/geth.ipc --prater --genesis-state=./genesis.ssz --suggested-fee-recipient=0x....

/usr/bin/geth --goerli --http --http.api personal,eth,net,web3,txpool,engine,admin for reference my geth command

Geth is being run as a systemctl background task

is pretty much what i launch it with

Just as another fyi goerli's ipc connection is not where that's located it sits in the goerli subfolder as a default from geth

nisdas commented 2 years ago

@FahdW Can you remove prysm's db from the data directory and try again ? It should be in ~/.eth2

FahdW commented 2 years ago

I removed /home/ubuntu/.eth2/beaconchaindata same results

nisdas commented 2 years ago

Can you add to --verbosity=debug in prysm and paste the logs that you see

FahdW commented 2 years ago
[2022-09-01 07:50:45]  WARN The http-web3provider flag has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release,please use the execution endpoint flag instead execution-endpoint
[2022-09-01 07:50:45]  WARN flags: Running on the Prater Testnet
[2022-09-01 07:50:45]  WARN flags: Enabled feature flag enable-only-blinded-beacon-blocks=Enables storing only blinded beacon blocks in the database without full execution layer transactions
[2022-09-01 07:50:45] DEBUG node: Starting DB
[2022-09-01 07:50:45]  INFO node: Checking DB database-path=/home/ubuntu/.eth2/beaconchaindata
[2022-09-01 07:50:45]  INFO db: Opening Bolt DB at /home/ubuntu/.eth2/beaconchaindata/beaconchain.db
[2022-09-01 07:50:46]  INFO node: Deposit contract: 0xff50ed3d0ec03ac01d4c79aad74928bff48a7b2b
[2022-09-01 07:50:46] DEBUG node: Starting Slashing DB
[2022-09-01 07:50:46] DEBUG node: Starting State Gen
[2022-09-01 07:50:46] DEBUG node: Registering P2P Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:46]  INFO p2p: Running node with peer id of 16Uiu2HAmRPzwZXJjLef2zRr5JLA9Jib9eEEXhAhxB1U5B5iwQpUM
[2022-09-01 07:50:46] DEBUG p2p: ECDSA private key generated
[2022-09-01 07:50:46] DEBUG node: Registering POW Chain Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering Attestation Pool Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering Determinstic Genesis Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Starting Fork Choice
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering Blockchain Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO blockchain: --weak-subjectivity-checkpoint not provided. Prysm recommends providing a weak subjectivity checkpoint for nodes synced from genesis, or manual verification of block and state roots for checkpoint sync nodes.
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering Intial Sync Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering Sync Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering Slasher Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering builder service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering RPC Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO rpc: gRPC server listening on port address=
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  WARN rpc: You are using an insecure gRPC server. If you are running your beacon node and validator on the same machines, you can ignore this message. If you want to know how to enable secure connections, see:
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering GRPC Gateway Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering Validator Monitoring Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG node: Registering Prometheus Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO node: Starting beacon node version=Prysm/v3.0.0/1c6fa65f7b8bb7fea54fd82d0ef07960b460c45a. Built at: 2022-08-22 20:36:41+00:00
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting 10 services: [*p2p.Service *execution.Service *attestations.Service *blockchain.Service *initialsync.Service *sync.Service *builder.Service *rpc.Service *gateway.Gateway *prometheus.Service]
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *p2p.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *execution.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *attestations.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *blockchain.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *initialsync.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *sync.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *builder.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *rpc.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *gateway.Gateway
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG registry: Starting service type *prometheus.Service
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO initial-sync: Waiting for state to be initialized
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO blockchain: Blockchain data already exists in DB, initializing...
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO gateway: Starting API middleware
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO gateway: Starting gRPC gateway address=
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG prometheus: Starting prometheus service address=
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG initial-sync: Received state initialized event starttime=2021-03-23 14:00:00 +0000 UTC
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO initial-sync: Starting initial chain sync...
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO initial-sync: Waiting for enough suitable peers before syncing required=3 suitable=0
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG sync: Received state initialized event starttime=2021-03-23 14:00:00 +0000 UTC
[2022-09-01 07:50:47] DEBUG sync: Chain started in sync service starttime=2021-03-23 14:00:00 +0000 UTC
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO p2p: Started discovery v5 ENR=enr:-MK4QI_NeW64wN2uMg0T1WcTDG7YkQNUuHrYbttaJsxZ3n46YYlsgp_O-vaYhwZRhXSxxC1bds_E18q_B5IzSDLPv3yGAYL4B_b7h2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpDCzjqoAgAQIP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhKwfEnGJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQO9UOLSywoNkQ6wbGq6eUvkTT1C_W5E7bACFeSWmXblZohzeW5jbmV0cwCDdGNwgjLIg3VkcIIu4A
[2022-09-01 07:50:47]  INFO p2p: Node started p2p server multiAddr=/ip4/tcp/13000/p2p/16Uiu2HAmRPzwZXJjLef2zRr5JLA9Jib9eEEXhAhxB1U5B5iwQpUM

then a whole bunch of

[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90328 publicKey=0xb898dea7223ba73766f5b19047004d32cce58ccedcba4e3a512a2e0007d64332777b5d6f9835ea21731067526c0cca17
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90329 publicKey=0x88863ae953308a8f810f5aa1f89bbb1d8cc01f5858bdf839d69deb06338322f2903aa37a6240ab14ffdf56db10271757
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90330 publicKey=0x819bb143dfdebd263fe7d1c9aebdcd92425a73bfa5d4fd9d5c7257784797769d672ea5dee04c0672e16892cbcd8f477b
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90331 publicKey=0x91b9ca9ab3be90dde2a9d44f7e844a9bbd6c19fed8252196aa48028adf70f04542fd3b81544c1c13d70a6fad9f521095
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90332 publicKey=0x84b6fecb0be899c916cd3a330e0d9bf189343e896c48dc4c522745d36583d21bfee0331292e6495d77e04c791592a434
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90333 publicKey=0xb5fa623b58d25bc9d8999a928f0683381241a7150db847ae58e069c8349b575b8e6c1af0ae3b3f9a9872d00fe8cb786a
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90334 publicKey=0x935a48cad56fa6b63eb703435626df8a16a24d9d3e1fbf5295c7be2bfa0082244772c6ac3878eb460abf4e090ca4b55f
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90335 publicKey=0xaaf19767a17c384a587a99f57a0629d2782d5bdb04ed98c15f18e5f6e3a0b5b28e3a788c51918f0eb2cefb81fe9be851
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90336 publicKey=0x8bc89ce0252a1bfe34a97fca0b69395c4ecb50b587f8e31d64efacde9e1535b7a48757260626f63a51557447d7adbb67
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90337 publicKey=0xb56c01e766f435a055ad7bc3cfbf234583bd5ef886adb74a675a1e34ec582fda5c7c94ede0d72e07a8c64f52044d52d5
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90338 publicKey=0xae45a449a8a362854dbd4513936c4b30967bea9cb0bbb3df0ff45f05ad16e3cbfb1722f09c5e43c5a83dfc0034895ee8
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90339 publicKey=0xb7d2e1d69e46979c0f98d84760afe55eb548e56c6ef8448f1edabf6e6a750e4563fd9a03f1c4c2548598d1803e83270c
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90340 publicKey=0xa4881940b17a3edba811357b17b1bef5135a68b207e32bea19de3698416ccb0e3cfc38bcd994edb1bdd54d859072cc8c
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90341 publicKey=0x831bcd71ab259ca0957ee302a3df6ff4e503cfe1abe6dd8df7b9d89e18f21c7f77b3acc6d2a500734e7de32f0e7007fa
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90342 publicKey=0xb226e30d26df9cf050b6124a9eb50a23d5ac1cfca8f80a56ca7b028eb435df71139dd7d3a2a350ed4c02aa7eb8a23ce8
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90343 publicKey=0x8def985d03defe0d153ba11235be1c8cf3eb2173a9bc28dab0662dff9c7bd38af3fbf2efb34708f4400f5cb5873db2bd
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90344 publicKey=0xa1fb3df65a6ef1703e004cde3ec856369330cd02e53a86e21ced6b095300cfd6b405f29d96705fbcd194beb1ad8ab519
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90345 publicKey=0xad7f0a56610a153419981cc64c452711aba6ceaa4e3e73fa225af55e7b3669204a07133d8baa9c57a85b974ad96e4cdf
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90346 publicKey=0x83f9594f96637e7679474d8e2a92160b7b1021ba6ed988e4eb89b32deb384a3a13d918b9f30d7196068f4c4407d0ba0d
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90347 publicKey=0xb8abacc5245d3149242ea9dbbcd859efe4a01d832ae7b20e411ee2e0e6816531c92f47b11c80be7f6e06f90ed49122fa
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90348 publicKey=0x86e2a9b3e425f9729c5b549c70b460fc1555cb1345a666da782b8338931a25cadfacc19143a9e0ddcb98d34ed429c973
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711060 merkleTreeIndex=90349 publicKey=0xb28bd928b02543d29080b187aed30c84b0eda0165596d85536c1a8402d4252dca9f20c08ebf6d5a86d6808590251f6ff
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90350 publicKey=0xab14a0253aa39c90af55c4664b3c0c26a197bb5b3c55efe910d0202ccec160fac16451754bf75d426c896afe41398986
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90351 publicKey=0xac98a1628b517059140d9a672dbe10e9510f2ca7a69bebd0d6e4df4362cd244292f472626b3e55f716b46d7985e4b6df
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90352 publicKey=0x947099f7b575cdc7c7d43e51eddb1fd2794801b93cfa2efcbbf31f7b16d35ef44bfc63ee4abdacd5856bbac7357bc4bb
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90353 publicKey=0xad7efcb648a616bcd42c48c646434968169bcb4e99246c708bdc5dd0d14b1ce07ffaf79a83f99c09cd74cf90c84a983c
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90354 publicKey=0x97de2255cc7385ae63203926465299f4afc268d964763408f368b26e87c5c076b5241e26da0fe6360a7465a4779b5dcd
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90355 publicKey=0x85e7740c49ded21b51940dfc902de2665f49195aa2c8e6dd34f43c1b6d99575aac1e3150ddf1785f2b7a9ddceb0b9195
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90356 publicKey=0x84b8949937b1e39551da2ce8638e86de1582e8f263ccc9c2be12187d8036e48833adc59f3f73015e2d8cb07548223da9
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90357 publicKey=0xa7e7b81841b1b3b25c08fa70438d0aa5f6b5feaeb6dcaf0d7c7924a23f9ff19f84c6b8331ddf67543f6e320ae715cb6d
[2022-09-01 07:50:41] DEBUG powchain: Deposit registered from deposit contract eth1Block=6711062 merkleTreeIndex=90358 publicKey=0x8cd4ba36dc8ae814586433305e1faa79c7b47cac5634e1acd6bc1d4469fc9223135385b19864c5718e9d07931396ce41
nisdas commented 2 years ago

@FahdW It doesn't appear you removed the old db. The debug logs are consistent with an older db. Can you confirm that you removed it ?

FahdW commented 2 years ago

Yeah i ran rm -rf /home/ubuntu/.eth2/beaconchaindata

this time i ran it out .eth2 folder and accepted TOS again

i also wget the genesis file in to the linux box, afaik shouldn't have issues but who knows

nisdas commented 2 years ago

What about your firewall ? Any restrictions on the machine prysm and geth are running on

FahdW commented 2 years ago

Nope, running it in an ec2 instance. Geth was able to go through with no issue, I have opened 12000 UDP and 13000 TCP

nisdas commented 2 years ago

Is prysm able to make outbound connections from any port in your machine ?

FahdW commented 2 years ago

if i configure the prysm arguments and set the outbound rules in my security group i don't see why not

nisdas commented 2 years ago

When you say

I have opened 12000 UDP and 13000 TCP

Do you mean you have opened these ports up for inbound connections ? Or are these only for outbound connections via your security group

FahdW commented 2 years ago

When you say

I have opened 12000 UDP and 13000 TCP

Do you mean you have opened these ports up for inbound connections ? Or are these only for outbound connections via your security group

Both inbound and outbound have been configured

nisdas commented 2 years ago

Ok so, you need to allow outbound udp connections from any port in your machine through your security group.

FahdW commented 2 years ago

Ok enabled all UDP outbound connections, let's see if it can pick up a peer

FahdW commented 2 years ago

Looks like it's finally getting some peers, thanks for the help i also opened up inbounde as well