Closed terencechain closed 4 years ago
Works on the second retry (ie restarted peering node)
Confirmed it's not returning false because it's still initial syncing:
The issue is before pipeline validateBeaconBlockPubSub
Confirmed via metrics, there's no blocking coming in: p2p_message_received_total{topic="/eth2/f071c66c/beacon_block/ssz_snappy"} 1
Sounds like we are not setting chainStarted correctly at startup.
>*Service).registerSubscribers() beacon-chain/sync/subscriber.go:50 (PC: 0x16cf785)
45: // Register PubSub subscribers
46: func (r *Service) registerSubscribers() {
47: // Wait until chain start.
48: stateChannel := make(chan *feed.Event, 1)
49: stateSub := r.stateNotifier.StateFeed().Subscribe(stateChannel)
=> 50: defer stateSub.Unsubscribe()
51: for r.chainStarted == false {
52: select {
53: case event := <-stateChannel:
54: if event.Type == statefeed.Initialized {
55: data, ok := event.Data.(*statefeed.InitializedData)
(dlv) p r.chainStarted
Shouldn't this be true for a node that was recently synced and restarted?
It could be a network partition. We are seeing that we have peers for that topic, but no messages coming in. Looking at the code, we don't see any reason that a block coming in would fail validation, yet we simply do not see blocks arrive. Perhaps we have peers that are not sending blocks at all?
Closing this as its resolved by #5500
In my interop setup, the peering node does not receive beacon block over the gossip network. It's only receiving beacon block over RPC network due to missing attestation block. Other people don't seem to be able to reproduce this issue so I think this is minor but worth investigating. (See screen shot for proof)
Also logged incoming block here and verified there's nothing:
Setup instructions: