ps-actions-sandbox / ActionsFundamentals

Repo for the GitHub Actions Fundamentals training.
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❓ What is your experience with GitHub? #1

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

What is your experience with GitHub? Whats is your experience with other CI/CD tools? Comment below 👇

jbob-bmw commented 1 year ago

I am operating GitHub ES since 1,5 years. Since some more years I am operating Jenkins. Also I am a Java developer and already run some actions on GitHub. ;)

totosan commented 1 year ago

My name is Thomas, I am used to GitHub and I am trainer for GitHub topics, but also Azure DevOps. I am professional service for GitHub and work as CTO at Xpirit Germany.

DhyanB commented 1 year ago

I've been using GitHub for some personal hobby projects or small experiments for several years now.

CICD: I've been using Jenkins for many years now. No experience with GitHub Actions so far.

nielBmw commented 1 year ago

Hi, my name is Niel. Not too much experience with GitHub specifically, have been using it on and off in some projects for a few years. We have been using Bitbucket and Jenkins since I started in our DVF project for about 2 years now, but in the process of trying to switch over to GitHub.

MrMorphy commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm Frank and speak Spanish, English and German. Minimal knowledge on git / GitHub, therefore participation on this training. IT Specialist. Pasionate programmer on around >10 languages. Currently Data Analyst, mainly with PowerBI Self-Service Reports. Hobby: iPhone App "Abkürzungen", specialy for BMW on Swift.

CRSBMW commented 1 year ago

I have been an open source software developer for a number of years and used github for all of it.

CI/CD: Some Actions, Jenkins, Drone

Gamer for many years, open source software and privacy enthusiast. I can write Python, Go, Java, Scala, Lua, C, Rust, and a few other languages I've probably forgotten. I speak English and a dash of German

Mmadiawetsa commented 1 year ago

My name is Marvin, I come from a DevOps background, but I only have experience in Gitlab CI/CD pipelines. I have only used github actions to deploy a simple static website in an S3 bucket for personal use.

bartoszandala commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm Bartosz, I don't have much experience in Github (almost none). I work in CI team for BMW.

bur2bur commented 1 year ago

More used to Bitbucket

HoschiAndre commented 1 year ago

I use github mostly for private use and I'm looking forward to use it by BMW. I do have some brief experience with GitHub Actions as will, but very basic. I'm mainly a Java Backend Developer by BMW.

EduardoFer commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm Eduardo. Currently I'm working on migrating Jenkins pipelines to GitHub Actions.

Airjump23 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm used to working with bitbucket so far. I already tried atc-github (github enterprise) a little bit.

m4e5tr0 commented 1 year ago

Marcin M: GitHub - basics, for personal use, Jenkins - 3 years, 2 years as Java Dev, no exp with github actions so far

JakubCharewicz commented 1 year ago

Hi, My name is Jakub, almost none experience with GiHUB, since two years part of CI/CD support Team (Jenkins, BitBucket, Nexus, Sonar etc.), before around 9 years PLM application specialist /ptc windchill, creo/

vigneshmanick commented 1 year ago

At work mostly used to Jenkins, Gitlab and Atlassian products. Use github sporadically for Private projects

mickosana commented 1 year ago

Have used github for a few personal projects, have worked in environments taking care of the DevOps work for the past 7 years. CICD with gitlab CI before and Circle CI from github repos.Had not directly used github actions. In BMW I'm part of the DVF team working as one of the guys responsible for the DevOps topics

laurentiulungublau commented 1 year ago

Hello my name is Laurentiu almost none experience with GiHUB, since 3 months I use CI/CD (Jenkins)

marcokuehling commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have only some basic experience on GitHub. Wrote my first workflows last month.

fmg-bmw commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have used github for a couple of personal projects and I'm starting to play a bit with github actions since one week. 🚀