ps-dps / MobCaptains

Rare and strong mobs, dropping illegally enchanted gear
MIT License
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Unknown Scoreboard #32

Closed Jeavess closed 3 months ago

Jeavess commented 5 months ago

For some reason when im trying to configure rhe scores it says unknown scoreboard something… pls help it worked perfectly on my other server

PuckiSilver commented 5 months ago

Please provide more information, just "it doesn’t work but it did before" isn’t enough for me to tell you anything!

Where is the data pack installed right now? Singleplayer? Multiplayer?

What server software/mods are you using alongside the pack?

Are you using the data pack or the mod version?

Does the data pack show up when running /datapack list?

If anything else is any different from just vanilla minecraft in the correct version and the pack - please tell me, if I don’t know what your setup is, I won’t be able to determine what’s broken..

Jeavess commented 5 months ago

I am running the datapack version 3.1.1 nothing in the plugins is conficting with other plugins. runnen 1.20.1 paper server

image image

PuckiSilver commented 5 months ago

PaperMC breaks a lot of vanilla features that data packs require to function. There may not be a way to fix this.

Jeavess commented 5 months ago

okay weird because it worked before the wipe of my server and still on the same version

PuckiSilver commented 5 months ago

Paper provides settings to re-enable these missing features - did you mess with any of those?

Jeavess commented 5 months ago

nope i did not mess with any settings u just wiped the server

Jeavess commented 5 months ago

maybe the load order of the datapacks?

PuckiSilver commented 5 months ago

try running /reload or /function #minecraft:load, maybe the load function didn't run?

Jeavess commented 5 months ago

how do force load the datapack?

PuckiSilver commented 4 months ago

This is stale - I don’t think I can help with PaperMC, there are way too many problems relating to it.