ps2homebrew / wLaunchELF

ELF loader and File browser for Sony PlayStation 2
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Going into SETTINGS then pressing Triangle (Return) generates a black screen. #27

Closed Jay-Jay-OPL closed 5 years ago

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago

Okay, now testing the new fixes done for Issues #25 and #26 (commit: )

And I am using FMCB v1.965 (2018/11/03) and loading BOOT.ELF from MC 1.

I now got a new bug with this wLE version.

NOTE: I've compiled this version with the latest changes made to PS2SDK:

If I try to go into SETTINGS in wLE and then simply press the TRIANGLE (Return), I get a black screen.

Before, when pressing that button, it should bring me back to wLE main page to select File Browser or etc.

It also gives me a black screen after I select OK or Cancel in the SETTINGS page.

The way I discovered this bug, is that I wanted to verify that the weird font issue was fixed in Issue #26 -- which it was. But now this new bug came about.

This didn't happen prior to when I reported that bug, so at least we know it was a recent update that caused it?

sp193 commented 5 years ago

Please try the one from FMCB v1.965 (2018/11/05): I haven't been able to replicate this and neither should any change cause an inability to transition between screens.

If you don't usually clean your source code, you might want to do make clean before you close shop for the day, after you update any libraries and after you check out the latest revision.

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago

Okay, I just tested yours also, and I get the same issue.

NOTE: I am using a uLE Skin with multiple pages. Maybe that's why? But that shouldn't be an issue, since when I revert to the last working wLE it works fine.

The last working wLE version is the one I reported those two issues. wLaunchELF_v4.43a (Build-9c18290-2018-11-03) -- that version was made available with FMCB v1.965 (2018/11/03)

And yes, I always run make clean whenever I do anything to any local repo -- it's like routine for me on anything.

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago


I wanted to see if I can verify that the last working wLE doesn't have this bug, and when I tested it with FMCB v1.965 (2018/11/03) - and the bug was still happening -- so I don't know why I didn't spot the bug when I reported those two issues -- weird!

So I uninstalled FMCB and then reinstalled FMCB v1.964 (2018/07/22) with wLE: 59a4962 (2018/07/04)

And with that one, I have no issues with wLE and my custom uLE skin.

Now I plan to now install FMCB v1.965 (2018/11/03) to see what happens? Maybe the issue could be FMCB v1.965 combined with the latest version of wLE? Or any new updates to PS2SDK?

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago


Okay, just to bug test wLE 9c18290 with FMCB 1.964 -- and the bug returns. So I didn't even need to install FMCB v1.965.

Which is weird, because at some point I was able to test that wLE version -- hence why I was able to report issues #25 and #26 . So I am a bit puzzled!?

But at least I can confirm that there is a bug starting with that wLE version.

My quest now is to test all newer versions of wLE starting with 59a4962 - since that is the one that works okay so far. I will report again, to see where it starts to fail.


I didn't need to go that far. It fails with this version: _wLaunchELFv4.43a (Build-2018-07-23) commit: c1becb0 -- so it seems to be an earlier commit version screwed something up? And if that single file edit in wLE didn't screw it up, perhaps somewhere between commits: 59a4962 thru c1becb0 or even a PS2SDK update in between those builds?

NOTE: I made that test with FMCB 1.964

I hope these tests help! :)

sp193 commented 5 years ago

It has nothing to do with FMCB, as it is a separate project. But thanks for trying it out anyway. The only reason why I update FMCB when I have been replacing LaunchELF, is because I bundle LaunchELF with FMCB and FMCB also has its own USB modules. I replace the version of LaunchELF there, for the convenience of all users. I also increased the version numbers, to let people know that there was a change.

Did you only start using that skin recently? Or have you perhaps replaced the background? Can you try to remove the skin from your settings, just to see if the theme support of LaunchELF is having some problem? It was not originally my project, so I don't know if it has any existing issues. The libjpeg library we use, is also 14 years old. Since pressing TRIANGLE to back out of the menu can already cause it to crash, it could be an issue with it because LaunchELF will attempt to load the background.

On a side note, if you still have software that was made between June 8th (when the bad commits were made for USBHDFSD) until late October, please delete them. Or if you really must use them for some reason, do so with caution.

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago

Yes, this has been my default custom skin for years -- and no, nothing has changed since then. But I did test the theory without my skin, and allow uLE to create a new LAUNCHELF.CNF file again. Still the same issue without a custom skin. -- This is why I don't think it's a custom skin issue, since it would fail with the prior wLE versions.

Also keep in mind that even trying to save a new update of the settings causes this black screen in wLE, so it's not only pressing Triangle to return to the main page that has this issue, but I am sure it's the same, it tries to load again the background, but at least the older wLE versions don't seem to have this issue.

Thanks for that tip, I guess FMCB v1.964 (2018/07/22) will fall under that faulty software version. -- Well, with this issue and the older bugs since June, I'm afraid it's getting quite difficult to find a stable version to rely on. :-(

sp193 commented 5 years ago

Just use the November release of FMCB v1.965. There is nothing wrong with it. LaunchELF does not depend on FMCB, so you are free to replace it with whatever you want, although it is good to stay with the latest revision because there isn't a very good version for it.

Where do you keep LaunchELF? I did try to boot it from memory card and my USB disk, but it has no issues. Have you tried deleting the settings file (LAUNCHELF.CNF), rather than just removing the skin?

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago

Okay, I keep FMCB installed on MC1 (Slot 2), on MC0 (Slot 1) -- I keep only game saves.

And I keep wLE's CNF files and the skin images on MC1 (SLOT 2).

I tested this again, and yes, without a skin, I can go into settings and return to the main page without an issue in the aforementioned wLE versions that seem to have a problem. I'm not sure why I had that issue before, but it seems to be working at least without a skin.

So I think this is why you can't verify the bug, I guess you are not using a skin?

If I use a SKIN, then that is where the issue is. I just created a fresh LAUNCHELF.CNF file, so I am going to compare it with my older CNF files for my skin, to see if I can spot any new changes or whatever.

In the meantime, can you try using a custom skin for uLE, to see if you can confirm the bug? Here is the skin that I am using: -- Just put everything inside your MC1 (Slot 2) memory card.

BTW, I've returned to FMCB v1.965 (2018/11/03) -- as you suggested. And using (for now that wLE version 9c18290 that was available for that FMCB release).

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago


Okay, doing further testing with the wLE skin. I am able to find when this bug starts to happen. It starts with this commit: 2ef0cd4 (Oct. 31, 2018) -- that's when via FTP I only see MC as an option to choose from and no other folders when I use my FTP client.

Prior to this commit, the previous version: 9db3bcc (Oct 20, 2018) and that one via FTP still shows MC and but not MASS folder. Plus that is the version that doesn't show this bug with the SKIN and SETTINGS page.

FYI: And a long time ago, during uLE 4.42 it used to show via FTP the following folders: HDD, MASS, MC, and PFS.

TODO: I still have to go down the pipe to see when via FTP it only started to show MC and not my MASS also? I will later provide you an update for that! :)

So I think if you check again the changes you made to wLE commit: 2ef0cd4 (Oct. 31, 2018) -- you should spot (hopefully?) what went wrong with the SKIN bug and also the FTP not showing all those other folders to choose from.

Plus the only line that was missing from my custom uLE CNF files was this line (from a newly fresh created LAUNCHELF.CNF file):

LK_Select_E1 = MISC/Configure

So I added that line into the CNF files of my custom skin, but that doesn't yet fix anything. SELECT has always been set to that path, so I am not even sure why that line is even necessary? It's not like we can change that path in the wLE Settings paths in the GUI, unless we try to alter that via NOTEPAD or etc.?

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago


Sorry for the long reports above, this is the one you need to know...

I got a headache! :)

I've been testing this bug with the uLE skin issue for several hours now, I've been testing other uLE versions (some you released and other ones I had to compile going back to older builds). wLE builds between August 2018 thru Nov 2018.

The Aftermath: well it seems that this bug has been around for a while. And I haven't noticed it until now. But there is a workaround to avoid it freezing when we press RETURN from going into the Settings.

WORKAROUND: First when you load wLE and with a skin with more than one page, press DPAD left or right to the next page. What will happen is a brief black screen and then finally you can jump to each page without this black screen. Once you do that, you can go into the SETTINGS and return anytime. No problems. Even with the most latest version of wLE.

BUG: So I think this black screen happened when wLE was modded to support TV MODE: Progressive scan. That is when I started to notice that slight black screen when I try to go to the next page on the skin. It only happens once per session and you no longer get the black screen.

So if you can figure out why the black screen happens right after you load wLE with a multiple skin and you navigate to the next page, you might find the bug in the code??

And the way to get the black screen crash is that you go from loading wLE and then the SETTINGS on the first page, you will get this black screen crash every-time -- but I think only the wLE versions when the progressive scan was added -- I could be wrong?!

Keep in mind that each CNF file for each SKIN page has to have progressive active if you want to continue using that TV mode, so perhaps that's where the bug is? And that is what I had each page set to. Each page had Progressive active.

TEMP SOLUTION (Don't use Progressive scan for all the SKIN pages): So now what I did was set TV Mode to AUTO per page (to all the custom skin pages). And now when I launch uLE and press SETTINGS on the first page and then RETURN -- no more bug! :) -- I no longer have to conduct that workaround of going to the next page and then return to the first page I want to press SETTINGS for and etc.

So now I can use your latest wLE version: ff91651 (Nov. 4, 2018) -- without an issue, as long as I don't either enable progressive can to all the CNF pages in my custom skin or I enable that TV mode but I do the workaround prior to going into the SETTINGS page.

TODO: So that's the issue! Damn, It took me a while to figure this out. I thought I was going crazy, since some older and newer uLE versions had this bug and then it didn't, I couldn't find why it would not fail sometimes and then other times it did, but now I am certain this is it!

I will later go back to the uLE version that first introduced progressive, to report that one also has the bug, but I've been dealing with this bug for a few hours, and I am hungry... so after a long break, I will give you that final report.

sp193 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for trying to help.

There was a problem with the setupGS() function not saving the video mode, resulting in the GS being initialized again for the same video mode later on (when you try to leave the settings screen or change the CNF). I don't know why you'll get "no display" though. But it would be a gsKit/GS thing, which I don't really have much experience with.

By switching between CNFs or setting the video mode to "AUTO", you avoid the double-initialization because the default video mode is "AUTO".

I'm guessing the new changes I made would help, due to not having any hardware. But if not, just write about it again.

Regarding FTP: it was always like that, by design. The methodology of the uLaunchELF developers was to not load modules, unless they were required. Perhaps between AKuHAK's WIP builds and now, you may have found the "pfs" device available for access without you needing to access the HDD, due to LaunchELF being made to load the HDD modules at boot to read the network settings. However, that was just a side effect.

Recently, that "disappeared" because LaunchELF will no longer poke into FHDB's directory, as we never standardized a location on the HDD for loading the network settings from. However, neither FMCB nor FHDB use IPCONFIG.DAT, so I don't see why we should link the two independent pieces of software together for a purpose that never actually existed. It will, however, still support loading the LaunchELF network settings from the HDD unit. By loading them from the directory that LaunchELF was booted from.

Jay-Jay-OPL commented 5 years ago


Okay, I can confirm that this issue has been fixed with your latest revision of wLE: wLaunchELF_v4.43a 2018-11-12 (Build-a5ab9b6)

I can now set all my extra skin pages to Progressive. I no longer have that black screen when I first enter SETTINGS on the first page and I no longer experience the brief black screen when switching to the next page on the custom skin (also set to Progressive).

So all issues discussed in this ticket has been solved!

Thanks for your help! :)

I'll just wait until you announce the new wLE version at so I can then share (your compiled version) at -- I usually wait until you release your compiled version of wLE -- since you tend to give a better description (in layman terms) of what was fixed and etc. -- Instead of simply copying/pasting each commit's message.