ps2homebrew / wLaunchELF

ELF loader and File browser for Sony PlayStation 2
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can`t load LAUNCHELF.CNF from dvd #38

Open hardlevel opened 4 years ago

hardlevel commented 4 years ago


I made an ISO for ulaunchelf and burned in dvd, created a LAUNCHELF.CNF and inserted in the same directory where elf is

But when I load the DVD the CNF isn`t loadead

What I have to do to load the cnf in this case?

faissaloo commented 3 years ago

This is because when loading from a DVD wLaunchELF expects LAUNCHELF.CNF to be on the memory card not the DVD. My fork fixes this: Additionally, for LAUNCHELF.CNF to work on DVD you need to rename it "LNCHELF.CNF" because there's a limit to the length of filename. I'm not sure if this is a PS2 limitation or a wLaunchELF limitation.

jnackmclain commented 3 years ago

@faissaloo Could I ask if you have a built elf of your fork? I am trying to do the same thing, and have applied your changes to latest commits here, but currently on latest commit, jpgviewer is also broken. I am just looking for a build of ule that will load cnf from dvd not mc, just like your fork. Thank you

faissaloo commented 3 years ago

@jnackmclain You might as well set up the build environment and build it yourself if you need to fix jpgviewer too. I think I have a build somewhere on my other computer if you really need me to dig it out.

jnackmclain commented 3 years ago

@faissaloo Unfortunately I setup a previous environment from v1.2.0 on ps2-devs precompiled binaries releases page that was released just after you made the commits to your fork, and building your fork of wlaunchelf gives ps2smap_irx errors. I don't really know how to proceed further as I am very new to much of programming. If you could possibly dig that out for me I would greatly greatly appreciate that.

faissaloo commented 3 years ago

@jnackmclain The ps2smap_irx is just caused by ps2eth being missing from your ps2dev folder, so if you get that it should build fine. I'd recommend getting that working regardless so you can make tweaks to your liking and such, regardless here's a build I just made, just rename it to BOOT.ELF:

jnackmclain commented 3 years ago

Gotcha, I'll take a look and see if I can get that going then, thank you very much for the help and the build!