ps2homebrew / wLaunchELF

ELF loader and File browser for Sony PlayStation 2
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Translation of wLaunchELF to pt-BR #70

Open marcelocripe opened 2 years ago

marcelocripe commented 2 years ago

Hello AKuHAK,

Please accept the file The 'pt-br.lng' file is a contribution from Venão (Hardlevel) on 08-12-2020 and revision of marcelocripe on 08-11-2021 for the translation of wLaunchELF into Brazilian Portuguese.

Note: The original lang.h file does not recognize character accents (ç, ~, ^, `, ´, etc), so it was not inserted into the 'pt-br.lng' file, the file encoding is ANSI, should be encoded in UTF-8.

Thanks for programming and maintaining wLaunchELF.



Por favor, aceite o arquivo O arquivo 'pt-br.lng' é uma contribuição do Venão (Hardlevel) no dia 12-08-2020 e revisão do marcelocripe no dia 11-08-2021 para a tradução do wLaunchELF para o idioma Português do Brasil.

Nota: O arquivo original lang.h não reconhece a acentuação de caracteres (ç, ~, ^, `, ´, etc), por isso não foi inserido no arquivo 'pt-br.lng', a codificação do arquivo é ANSI, deveria ser codificado em UTF-8.

Eu agradeço por programar e manter o wLaunchELF.


MestreLion commented 1 year ago

Wouldn't it be better to create a Pull Request? That's exactly what this feature is for!

PS: Obrigado pela iniciativa de traduzir!!!

marcelocripe commented 1 year ago

Wouldn't it be better to create a Pull Request? That's exactly what this >feature is for!

Fork this repository Add the new pt-br language file in a new commit Create a Pull Request

Thank you for answering MestreLion.

I don't know how to do this correctly and without running the risk of screwing up with wLaunchELF.

An example of what I don't want to happen occurred in a "Pull Request" from WinFF, where I tried to just add an editable manual file in pt_BR language and I I got this reply "updating the translation is fine, but this MR deleted everything except for the translation, so it can't be merged like it is now." from paulgevers.

Could you please add the translation file in the proper place in the programming code, I know it will be for the benefit of many Brazilian wLaunchELF users.

Once the file is in the correct location, it will be easier for me or another volunteer translator to make updates to the translation.

Thank you very much.

Wouldn't it be better to create a Pull Request? That's exactly what this >feature is for!

Fork this repository Add the new pt-br language file in a new commit Create a Pull Request

Obrigado por responder MestreLion.

Eu não sei fazer isso da forma correta e sem correr o risco de estragar tudo com o wLaunchELF.

Um exemplo do que eu não quero que aconteça, ocorreu em um "Pull Request" do WinFF, onde eu tentei apenas adicionar um arquivo editável do manual em idioma pt_BR e eu recebi esta resposta "updating the translation is fine, but this MR deleted everything except for the translation, so it can't be merged like it is now." do paulgevers.

Por favor, você poderia adicionar o arquivo de tradução no local adequado no código de programação, eu sei que será para o bem de vários usuários Brasileiros do wLaunchELF.

Uma vez que o arquivo esteja no local correto, ficará mais fácil para eu ou outro tradutor voluntário fazer as atualizações na tradução.

Muito obrigado.

MestreLion commented 1 year ago

I could, but it would be a wasted opportunity for you to learn how to work with git in a cooperative workflow. Try to read some git (and github) tutorials to get more familiarized with the workflow. It is basically these steps:

You've successfully done it before, so don't be afraid of trying again

marcelocripe commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your explanations. I hope I did everything right

Muito obrigado por suas explicações. Eu espero ter feito tudo certo no