Closed giraz82 closed 3 years ago
I get a similar error except for illuminate\foundation\application
. It might be related so I decided to add it here instead of creating a new issue (I hope that is okey)
./vendor/bin/psalm --debug-by-line
...<large part left out>
Have populated Signet\DataContainer\DataContainerException
Have populated Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidOptionException
Have populated Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableStyle
Have populated Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableRows
Have populated Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableCell
Have populated Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableSeparator
Have populated Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar
Have populated Signet\DataContainer\Util
Have populated Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableCellStyle
ClassLikeStorage is populated
FileStorage is populating
FileStorage is populated
Registering stub files
Parsing /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/stubs/CoreGenericFunctions.phpstub
Deep scanning /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/stubs/CoreGenericFunctions.phpstub
Parsing /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/stubs/CoreGenericClasses.phpstub
Deep scanning /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/stubs/CoreGenericClasses.phpstub
Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Could not get class storage for illuminate\foundation\application in /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Provider/ClassLikeStorageProvider.php:42
Stack trace:
#0 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/PhpVisitor/Reflector/ClassLikeNodeScanner.php(196): Psalm\Internal\Provider\ClassLikeStorageProvider->get('illuminate\\foun...')
#1 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/PhpVisitor/ReflectorVisitor.php(182): Psalm\Internal\PhpVisitor\Reflector\ClassLikeNodeScanner->start(Object(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_))
#2 /workspace/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php(200): Psalm\Internal\PhpVisitor\ReflectorVisitor->enterNode(Object(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_))
#3 /workspace/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php(91): PhpParser\NodeTraverser->traverseArray(Array)
#4 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Scanner/FileScanner.php(86): PhpParser\NodeTraverser->traverse(Array)
#5 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Codebase/Scanner.php(577): Psalm\Internal\Scanner\FileScanner->scan(Object(Psalm\Codebase), Object(Psalm\Storage\FileStorage), true, Object(Psalm\Progress\DebugProgress))
#6 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Codebase/Scanner.php(328): Psalm\Internal\Codebase\Scanner->scanFile('/workspace/vend...', Array, true)
#7 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Codebase/Scanner.php(447): Psalm\Internal\Codebase\Scanner->Psalm\Internal\Codebase\{closure}(1, '/workspace/vend...')
#8 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Codebase/Scanner.php(292): Psalm\Internal\Codebase\Scanner->scanFilePaths(1)
#9 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Codebase.php(471): Psalm\Internal\Codebase\Scanner->scanFiles(Object(Psalm\Internal\Codebase\ClassLikes), 1)
#10 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Config.php(1834): Psalm\Codebase->scanFiles()
#11 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Analyzer/ProjectAnalyzer.php(623): Psalm\Config->visitStubFiles(Object(Psalm\Codebase), Object(Psalm\Progress\DebugProgress))
#12 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/psalm.php(700): Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\ProjectAnalyzer->check('/workspace/', true)
#13 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/psalm.php(884): Psalm\{closure}(Array)
#14 /workspace/vendor/vimeo/psalm/psalm(2): require_once('/workspace/vend...')
#15 {main}
(Psalm 4.7.3@38c452ae584467e939d55377aaf83b5a26f19dd1 crashed due to an uncaught Throwable)
Using php version 8.0.7:
barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper v2.9.1 Laravel IDE Helper, generates correct PHPDocs for all Fac...
laravel/framework v8.46.0 The Laravel Framework.
laravel/tinker v2.6.1 Powerful REPL for the Laravel framework.
php-standard-library/psalm-plugin 1.1.1 Psalm plugin for the PHP Standard Library
psalm/plugin-laravel v1.4.7 A Laravel plugin for Psalm
psalm/plugin-mockery 0.7.0 Psalm plugin for Mockery
psalm/plugin-phpunit 0.16.0 Psalm plugin for PHPUnit
vimeo/psalm 4.7.3 A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applicat...
I am using this in a Laravel library using orchestral/testbench.
@Ilyes512 I may have just resolved your issue with -- but if not, can you please open a new ticket? It's a bit different than this issue
@giraz82 could you please share some code that is triggering the issue? For example, what is referencing Eloquent
I'm experiencing similar issues recently, and it just popped up again:
Scanning files...
Could not get class storage for illuminate\support\facades\ratelimiter
at vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Provider/ClassLikeStorageProvider.php:42
38▕ public function get(string $fq_classlike_name): ClassLikeStorage
39▕ {
40▕ $fq_classlike_name_lc = strtolower($fq_classlike_name);
41▕ if (!isset(self::$storage[$fq_classlike_name_lc])) {
➜ 42▕ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not get class storage for ' . $fq_classlike_name_lc);
43▕ }
45▕ return self::$storage[$fq_classlike_name_lc];
46▕ }
Clearing the cache with psalm --clear-cache
solves the issue.
could you please share some code to reproduce @caugner
@giraz82 could you please share some code that is triggering the issue? For example, what is referencing
@mr-feek in my case, it's just the standard User
class that comes with Laravel:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
* Class User.
final class User extends Authenticatable
use HasFactory;
use Notifiable;
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
* The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
* @var array
protected $hidden = [
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
Nothing special as you can see. But I think that the behaviour is quite random and not related to a specific class nor block of code. I launched again psalm in this project (I needed to comment out it to proceed in my project) and now I'm getting the same error but on a different place:
Forking analysis
Getting /var/www/html/app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php
Analyzing /var/www/html/app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php
Could not get class storage for eloquent
Stack trace in the forked worker:
#0 /var/www/html/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Analyzer/ClassAnalyzer.php(750): Psalm\Internal\Provider\ClassLikeStorageProvider->get('Eloquent')
#1 /var/www/html/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Analyzer/ClassAnalyzer.php(394): Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\ClassAnalyzer::addContextProperties(Object(Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\ClassAnalyzer), Object(Psalm\Storage\ClassLikeStorage), Object(Psalm\Context), 'App\\Models\\Soap...', 'Illuminate\\Data...', Array)
#2 /var/www/html/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Analyzer/FileAnalyzer.php(213): Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\ClassAnalyzer->analyze(Object(Psalm\Context), Object(Psalm\Context))
#3 /var/www/html/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Codebase/Analyzer.php(343): Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\FileAnalyzer->analyze(NULL)
#4 /var/www/html/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Fork/Pool.php(193): Psalm\Internal\Codebase\Analyzer->Psalm\Internal\Codebase\{closure}(0, '/var/www/html/a...')
Also here Authenitcate
middleware is the Laravel standard one:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate as Middleware;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
* Class Authenticate.
final class Authenticate extends Middleware
* Get the path the user should be redirected to when they are not authenticated.
* @param Request $request
* @return string|null
protected function redirectTo($request): ?string
if (!$request->expectsJson()) {
return route('login');
return null;
Let me know if you need further info.
Here's another one:
Parsing /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Relations/Concerns/SupportsDefaultModels.php
Deep scanning /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Relations/Concerns/SupportsDefaultModels.php
Parsing /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Relations/Concerns/InteractsWithPivotTable.php
Deep scanning /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Relations/Concerns/InteractsWithPivotTable.php
Parsing /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php
Deep scanning /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php
Could not get class storage for illuminate\support\facades\paralleltesting
at vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Provider/ClassLikeStorageProvider.php:42
38▕ public function get(string $fq_classlike_name): ClassLikeStorage
39▕ {
40▕ $fq_classlike_name_lc = strtolower($fq_classlike_name);
41▕ if (!isset(self::$storage[$fq_classlike_name_lc])) {
➜ 42▕ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not get class storage for ' . $fq_classlike_name_lc);
43▕ }
45▕ return self::$storage[$fq_classlike_name_lc];
46▕ }
Running it again yielded the same error.
Hm, maybe ill just search for all classes within the facades namespace and force psalm to scan them until I figure out what's wrong with the upstream psalm cache..
Opened upstream
I think should help resolve these issues.
I'm going to close this -- please open a new ticket with code to reproduce if you run into any more issues
@mr-feek Will you release a new minor version soon? I will test and report back then, because our Psalm runs fail consistently.
@caugner in the mean time try using dev-master! Or else invoke CI with --no-cache
. I'm hoping to have a new minor version out in the next week or so.
@mr-feek FYI I'm still experiencing the same issue with da4e6bc:
$ composer show | grep -E 'psalm|laravel'
andrey-helldar/laravel-lang-publisher v10.0.4 Publisher lang files for the Laravel Framework, Jetstream, Fortify, Cashier, Spark and Nova from Laravel-Lang/lang
andrey-helldar/laravel-support v2.0.1 Various helper files for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks
barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper v2.9.1 Laravel IDE Helper, generates correct PHPDocs for all Facade classes, to improve auto-completion.
beyondcode/laravel-dump-server 1.7.0 Symfony Var-Dump Server for Laravel
fruitcake/laravel-cors v2.0.4 Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Laravel application
laravel-lang/lang 10.0.2 Languages for Laravel
laravel/framework v8.49.0 The Laravel Framework.
laravel/sail v1.8.3 Docker files for running a basic Laravel application.
laravel/sanctum v2.11.2 Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs and simple APIs.
laravel/tinker v2.6.1 Powerful REPL for the Laravel framework.
laravel/ui v3.3.0 Laravel UI utilities and presets.
psalm/plugin-laravel dev-master da4e6bc A Laravel plugin for Psalm
sentry/sentry-laravel 2.7.0 Laravel SDK for Sentry (
spatie/laravel-ray 1.17.4 Easily debug Laravel apps
vimeo/psalm 4.8.1 A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications
$ vendor/bin/psalm
Scanning files...
Could not get class storage for illuminate\support\facades\ratelimiter
at vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Provider/ClassLikeStorageProvider.php:43
39▕ public function get(string $fq_classlike_name): ClassLikeStorage
40▕ {
41▕ $fq_classlike_name_lc = strtolower($fq_classlike_name);
42▕ if (!isset(self::$storage[$fq_classlike_name_lc])) {
➜ 43▕ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not get class storage for ' . $fq_classlike_name_lc);
44▕ }
46▕ return self::$storage[$fq_classlike_name_lc];
47▕ }
I'm afraid I can't really help without a reproducer -- I haven't run into this specific issue at all
Alright, I will run Psalm directly via PhpStorm from now on, with Xdebug enabled and a breakpoint set in that line 43. Hopefully I can reproduce the issue with that setup, so that I can dig a bit in the debug state to see what's going on and why the class is missing in the storage.
Not sure that running it over PhpStorm will help. I'm seeing Could not get class storage for illuminate\support\facades\paralleltesting as well on a pretty much fresh setup
I still have the error appearing randomly in a new Laravel project that was working fine until today:
Could not get class storage for eloquent
at vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/Provider/ClassLikeStorageProvider.php:43
39▕ public function get(string $fq_classlike_name): ClassLikeStorage
40▕ {
41▕ $fq_classlike_name_lc = strtolower($fq_classlike_name);
42▕ if (!isset(self::$storage[$fq_classlike_name_lc])) {
➜ 43▕ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not get class storage for ' . $fq_classlike_name_lc);
44▕ }
46▕ return self::$storage[$fq_classlike_name_lc];
47▕ }
I'm using
"psalm/plugin-laravel": "1.5.1",
"vimeo/psalm": "4.13.1"
But also updating psalm to 4.14.0
makes any difference.
Any idea?
Describe the bug Running Psalm with
on a Laravel 8 project I get:Ofc I have the issue also without
.Impacted Versions
Additional context
is the standard user class that comes with every fresh new project.I tried to remove psalm and psalm/plugin-laravel, clear the cache, and I get the same
Could not get class storage for eloquent
in other parts of the codebase, for exampleI'm stuck with this.
Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm on php 8.0.3