psalm / psalm-plugin-laravel

A Psalm plugin for Laravel
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Test failure (factory(): can use factory helper in Laravel 6.x and 7.x) #202

Closed caugner closed 1 year ago

caugner commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

1) factory(): can use factory helper in Laravel 6.x and 7.x
 Test  tests/acceptance/FactoryTypes.feature:can use factory helper in Laravel 6.x and 7.x
 Step  Have a dependency satisfied "laravel/framework",">= 8.0"
 Fail  There were errors: 
| MixedInferredReturnType | Could not verify return type 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\FactoryBuilder<Tests\Psalm\LaravelPlugin\Models\User, int>' for FactoryTest::getFactory          |
| MixedReturnStatement    | Could not infer a return type                                                                                                                               |
| MixedInferredReturnType | Could not verify return type 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\FactoryBuilder<Tests\Psalm\LaravelPlugin\Models\User, int>' for FactoryTest::getFactoryForTwo    |
| MixedReturnStatement    | Could not infer a return type                                                                                                                               |
| MixedInferredReturnType | Could not verify return type 'Tests\Psalm\LaravelPlugin\Models\User' for FactoryTest::makeUser                                                              |
| MixedReturnStatement    | Could not infer a return type                                                                                                                               |
| MixedMethodCall         | Cannot determine the type of the object on the left hand side of this expression                                                                            |
| MixedInferredReturnType | Could not verify return type 'Tests\Psalm\LaravelPlugin\Models\User' for FactoryTest::createUser                                                            |
| MixedReturnStatement    | Could not infer a return type                                                                                                                               |
| MixedMethodCall         | Cannot determine the type of the object on the left hand side of this expression                                                                            |
| MixedInferredReturnType | Could not verify return type 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection<Tests\Psalm\LaravelPlugin\Models\User>' for FactoryTest::createUsers                  |
| MixedReturnStatement    | Could not infer a return type                                                                                                                               |
| MixedMethodCall         | Cannot determine the type of the object on the left hand side of this expression                                                                            |
| MixedInferredReturnType | Could not verify return type 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection<Tests\Psalm\LaravelPlugin\Models\User>' for FactoryTest::createUsersWithNameAttribute |
| MixedReturnStatement    | Could not infer a return type                                                                                                                               |
| MixedMethodCall         | Cannot determine the type of the object on the left hand side of this expression                                                                            |

Impacted Versions ❌ PHP 7.3 | Illuminate 6. | Composer Flags (broken) ✔ PHP 7.3 | Illuminate 6. | Composer Flags --prefer-lowest (works)

Additional context (None.)

caugner commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure, but since there were no relevant changes in Laravel 6.x, maybe something changed in the way Psalm behaves?

Relevant changes:

mr-feek commented 3 years ago

yeah, haven't had a time to dig in but I agree something in psalm broke this behavior.