Closed OwnerOfThisIsle closed 1 year ago
@OwnerOfThisIsle thanks for the report! Yes, plugin handles such errors if you configured containerXml. Please see Feel free to reopen the issue with more details if you still have the error.
I was not clear about this: I am already using the psalm-plugin-symfony and followed the configuration instructions. I think it is partly working because without the plugin config psalm reports some additional errors (PropertyNotSetInConstructor, PossiblyInvalidArgument, UndefinedDocblockClass), but still with the plugin and that configuration:
<pluginClass class="Psalm\SymfonyPsalmPlugin\Plugin">
there are plenty PossiblyUnusedMethod Errors (as mentioned in more detail in the question above). They are dependency injected classes, so there is no call to their constructor.
I have a symfony project and just started to use psalm and this plugin. I activated
and now have dozens of false posives, likeis this something this plugin should handle?