psanford / tpm-fido

A WebAuthn/U2F token protected by a TPM (Go/Linux)
MIT License
285 stars 17 forks source link

Support for Silent Authentication #20

Open Janfred opened 1 year ago

Janfred commented 1 year ago

For a specific use case I would like to use silent authentication with this tool.

As far as I understand the CTAP/FIDO/U2F protocol specs, this would mean that the CBOR message exchange from CTAP2 has to be implemented, since U2F does not allow for silent authentication. (I'm quite new to the whole FIDO world and am experimenting on different things, so I have no idea if this is achievable or if it would be a change of the complete internal logic)

psanford commented 1 year ago

I would like to add full ctap2 support to tpm-fido but I've not had the time so far.