psanford / tpm-fido

A WebAuthn/U2F token protected by a TPM (Go/Linux)
MIT License
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Add PIN and fingerprint #40

Open matejsmycka opened 1 month ago

matejsmycka commented 1 month ago

if #39 gets merged.

It will be easy to extend the client with a PIN.

Fingerprint will require more handling but still easier than previous implementation.

However, a good approach is for the user to supply flags about which version he would like. But I am open to discussion.

Connected to #25

psanford commented 1 month ago

Adding UserVerification needs to be part of a bigger effort of supporting ctap 2.0.

matejsmycka commented 1 month ago

Oh, so it cannot be a classic challenge response handled by the tpm-fido in memory?

EDIT: that would not be secure...

matejsmycka commented 1 month ago

@psanford Do you plan to update this project? Otherwise, I will put in no more effort.

I like this tool a lot, and it would be a shame.

psanford commented 1 month ago

Like I said, the next thing that needs to be done is adding support for ctap 2.0. I am not actively working on that at the moment. If someone wants to implement that (probably as a separate library) I would be open to integrating it into tpm-fido

iiscosd3 commented 3 weeks ago

@psanford can this project be considered as a virtual fido2 implementation or no?