psathyrella / partis

B- and T-cell receptor sequence annotation, simulation, clonal family and germline inference, and affinity prediction
GNU General Public License v3.0
54 stars 34 forks source link

OS-X support #236

Closed laserson closed 6 years ago

laserson commented 7 years ago

I just built partis from scratch on my mac. I can successfully run the annotate command from However, when I run the partition command

./bin/partis partition --infname test/example.fa --outfname _output/example.csv

I get the following output

$ ./bin/partis partition --infname test/example.fa --outfname _output/example.csv
  parameter dir '_output/test_example' does not exist, so caching a new set of parameters before running action 'partition'
caching parameters
smith-waterman   (removing less-likely alleles) 
        sequences    n_procs     ig-sw time    processing time
             250        1           11.9           0.4
               9        1            0.4           0.0
               9        1            0.4           0.0
      info for 250 / 250 = 1.000   (0 failed)
      kept 144 (0.576) unproductive
  removing least likely alleles (250 total counts)
     genes to keep           counts (snps)      removed counts     removed genes 
       hv3-23D01                  71      
       hv3-2302                    4  (2) 
       hv3-NL101                  45      
       hv3-1104                   24      
       hv3-701                    18      
       hv3-6404                   14      
       hv3-6603                   12      
       hv3-5302                    4  (4)                1            hv3-5301 
       hv3-4905                    9      
       hv3-4904                    8  (2) 
       hv1-301                     8      
       hv4-407                     7      
       hv3-6601                    7      
       hv3-7403                    3      
       hv1-6901                    3      
       hv1-6913                    1  (2) 
       hv1-802                     2      
       hv4-6102                    2      
       hv4-6108                    2      
       hv5-5103                    2      
       hv1-4603                    2      
       hv3-4803                    1      
    keeping 22 v genes
    removing 265 v genes: 264 with no matches, 1 with unconvincing matches (1 / 250 queries had their best match removed)
      removed 4 / 250 = 0.02 duplicate sequences after trimming framework insertions (leaving 246)
        water time: 13.3
smith-waterman   (writing parameters) 
        sequences    n_procs     ig-sw time    processing time
             250        1            1.4           0.3
               9        1            0.1           0.0
               9        1            0.1           0.0
      info for 250 / 250 = 1.000   (0 failed)
      kept 144 (0.576) unproductive
      removed 4 / 250 = 0.02 duplicate sequences after trimming framework insertions (leaving 246)
        writing sw results to _output/test_example/sw-cache-5421323308298323221
    writing parameters (2.7 sec)
        water time: 4.7
  writing hmms (13.4 sec)
    running 1 proc
    read output
   warning best-supported gene hd3-302 not same as viterbi gene hd3-301
    writing parameters (2.0 sec)
        processed 246 hmm output lines with 246 sequences in 246 events  (0 failures)
         infra time: 2.5
      hmm step time: 6.1
  writing hmms (12.0 sec)
      total time: 49.5
        reading sw results from _output/test_example/sw-cache-5421323308298323221
      info for 246 / 250 = 0.984   (4 failed)
      kept 142 (0.568) unproductive
        water time: 0.2
--> caching all 246 naive sequences
    running 1 proc
    proc 0 try 1 failed with -6 (output is missing)
        out tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/out)
                    read-cache:  logprobs 0   naive-seqs 0
                  caching all naive sequences

        err tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/err)
            Assertion failed: (naive_seqs_.count(queries) == 0), function CalculateNaiveSeq, file _build/, line 702.

    restarting proc 0
    proc 0 try 2 failed with -6 (output is missing)
        out tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/out)
                    read-cache:  logprobs 0   naive-seqs 0
                  caching all naive sequences

        err tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/err)
            Assertion failed: (naive_seqs_.count(queries) == 0), function CalculateNaiveSeq, file _build/, line 702.

    restarting proc 0
    proc 0 try 3 failed with -6 (output is missing)
        out tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/out)
                    read-cache:  logprobs 0   naive-seqs 0
                  caching all naive sequences

        err tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/err)
            Assertion failed: (naive_seqs_.count(queries) == 0), function CalculateNaiveSeq, file _build/, line 702.

    restarting proc 0
    proc 0 try 4 failed with -6 (output is missing)
        out tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/out)
                    read-cache:  logprobs 0   naive-seqs 0
                  caching all naive sequences

        err tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/err)
            Assertion failed: (naive_seqs_.count(queries) == 0), function CalculateNaiveSeq, file _build/, line 702.

    restarting proc 0
    proc 0 try 5 failed with -6 (output is missing)
        out tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/out)
                    read-cache:  logprobs 0   naive-seqs 0
                  caching all naive sequences

        err tail:           (/tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/err)
            Assertion failed: (naive_seqs_.count(queries) == 0), function CalculateNaiveSeq, file _build/, line 702.

    restarting proc 0
exceeded max number of tries for cmd
    /Users/laserson/repos/partis/packages/ham/bcrham --algorithm viterbi --hmmdir /Users/laserson/repos/partis/_output/test_example/hmm/hmms --datadir /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/germline-sets --infile /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/hmm_input.csv --outfile /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/hmm_output.csv --locus igh --random-seed 1495511391 --output-cachefname /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/hmm_cached_info.csv --cache-naive-seqs --ambig-base N
look for output in /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706 and /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./bin/partis", line 581, in <module>
  File "./bin/partis", line 206, in run_partitiondriver
  File "/Users/laserson/repos/partis/python/", line 338, in partition
    self.run_hmm('viterbi', self.sub_param_dir, n_procs=self.auto_nprocs(len(self.sw_info['queries'])), precache_all_naive_seqs=True)
  File "/Users/laserson/repos/partis/python/", line 837, in run_hmm
    self.execute(cmd_str, n_procs)
  File "/Users/laserson/repos/partis/python/", line 808, in execute
    utils.run_cmds(cmdfos, batch_system=self.args.batch_system, batch_options=self.args.batch_options, batch_config_fname=self.args.batch_config_fname, debug='print' if self.args.debug else None)
  File "/Users/laserson/repos/partis/python/", line 1785, in run_cmds
    finish_process(iproc, procs, n_tries, cmdfos[iproc], dbgfo=cmdfos[iproc]['dbgfo'], batch_system=batch_system, batch_options=batch_options, debug=debug, ignore_stderr=ignore_stderr)
  File "/Users/laserson/repos/partis/python/", line 1812, in finish_process
    raise Exception(failstr)
Exception: exceeded max number of tries for cmd
    /Users/laserson/repos/partis/packages/ham/bcrham --algorithm viterbi --hmmdir /Users/laserson/repos/partis/_output/test_example/hmm/hmms --datadir /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/germline-sets --infile /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/hmm_input.csv --outfile /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/hmm_output.csv --locus igh --random-seed 1495511391 --output-cachefname /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706/hmm_cached_info.csv --cache-naive-seqs --ambig-base N
look for output in /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706 and /tmp/laserson/hmms/554706

The /tmp/... directory contains a file called err with contents

Assertion failed: (naive_seqs_.count(queries) == 0), function CalculateNaiveSeq, file _build/, line 702.
psathyrella commented 7 years ago

hm, sorry about that. It runs fine on my installs, but the mac thing is certainly suspicous -- I don't know for a fact that anyone's used it on osx. There can't possibly be much different, but I'm not familiar enough to know what would need to be changed on osx.

I wonder if you could try the test suite,

psathyrella commented 7 years ago

I wonder if a different compiler could be defining size_type here to something differerent? That seems unlikely, but I don't have a lot of other ideas yet.

laserson commented 7 years ago

Good call, as I see the build script runs a smaller number of tests. The main test script fails like so:

$ test/ 
annotate-ref-simu                ./bin/partis annotate --plot-performance --plotdir test/new-results/simu-ref-performance --only-csv-plots --is-simu --sw-cachefname test/reference-results/test/parameters/simu/sw-cache.csv --infname test/reference-results/test/simu.csv --parameter-dir test/r[...]
partition-ref-simu               ./bin/partis partition --n-max-queries 500 --n-precache-procs 10 --biggest-logprob-cluster-to-calculate 5 --biggest-naive-seq-cluster-to-calculate 5 --persistent-cachefname test/new-results/cache-ref-partition.csv --is-simu --sw-cachefname test/reference-res[...]
  log tail:
          File "/Users/laserson/repos/partis/python/", line 1785, in run_cmds
            finish_process(iproc, procs, n_tries, cmdfos[iproc], dbgfo=cmdfos[iproc]['dbgfo'], batch_system=batch_system, batch_options=batch_options, debug=debug, ignore_stderr=ignore_stderr)
          File "/Users/laserson/repos/partis/python/", line 1812, in finish_process
            raise Exception(failstr)
        Exception: exceeded max number of tries for cmd
            /Users/laserson/repos/partis/packages/ham/bcrham --algorithm viterbi --hmmdir /Users/laserson/repos/partis/test/reference-results/test/parameters/simu/hmm/hmms --datadir /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/germline-sets --infile /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0/hmm_input.csv --outfile /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0/hmm_output.csv --locus igh --random-seed 1 --only-cache-new-vals --output-cachefname /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0/hmm_cached_info.csv --cache-naive-seqs --ambig-base N
        look for output in /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0 and /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0
        exceeded max number of tries for cmd
            /Users/laserson/repos/partis/packages/ham/bcrham --algorithm viterbi --hmmdir /Users/laserson/repos/partis/test/reference-results/test/parameters/simu/hmm/hmms --datadir /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/germline-sets --infile /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0/hmm_input.csv --outfile /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0/hmm_output.csv --locus igh --random-seed 1 --only-cache-new-vals --output-cachefname /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0/hmm_cached_info.csv --cache-naive-seqs --ambig-base N
        look for output in /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0 and /tmp/laserson/hmms/771957/hmm-0
laserson commented 7 years ago

And same error

Assertion failed: (naive_seqs_.count(queries) == 0), function CalculateNaiveSeq, file _build/, line 702.
psathyrella commented 7 years ago

ok, I'll try to round up an osx machine to test it on and figure out what the deal is. I'd been meaning to add osx-specific directions anyway. In the meantime you're probably best off running in docker, though.

psathyrella commented 7 years ago

ok I still haven't managed to try this on an os-x machine, but someone else just successfully installed/built it on their os-x laptop. They pretty much took the apt-get/pip installs and tried them first with brew, then with pip if that didn't work.

laserson commented 7 years ago

Did they run the same test suite? I had no problem with the build, but test/ failed.

psathyrella commented 7 years ago

oh, darn, you're right it was only the partition that was crashing for you, just had him go back and run partitioning and it crashes with the same error.

Yays, it's repeatable. Not-yays, that is so weird. Well, I'll dig through and work it out. Maybe the compiler's treating the nullptrkeyword differently? Sorry for the trouble.

psathyrella commented 7 years ago

ok this seems to fix it on Branden's install. Let me know if it doesn't fix it for you.

the issue was a line like this:

map[key] = getval();

where getval() checks to make sure that key isn't already in map. The os-x compiler apparently evaluates the LHS before the RHS, i.e. adds key to map before calling getval(), which causes the check in getval() to fail.

psathyrella commented 7 years ago

oh, also: I added a little os-x specific installation info to the manual here

it'd be lovely if you have anything to add to it if you could let me know.

laserson commented 7 years ago

Now I get

$ test/ 
annotate-ref-simu                ./bin/partis annotate --plot-performance --plotdir test/new-results/simu-ref-performance --only-csv-plots --is-simu --sw-cachefname test/reference-results/test/parameters/simu/sw-cache.csv --infname test/reference-results/test/simu.csv --parameter-dir test/r[...]
partition-ref-simu               ./bin/partis partition --n-max-queries 500 --n-precache-procs 10 --biggest-logprob-cluster-to-calculate 5 --biggest-naive-seq-cluster-to-calculate 5 --persistent-cachefname test/new-results/cache-ref-partition.csv --is-simu --sw-cachefname test/reference-res[...]
seed-partition-ref-simu          ./bin/partis partition --n-max-queries 500 --persistent-cachefname test/new-results/cache-ref-partition.csv --dont-precache-naive-seqs --is-simu --sw-cachefname test/reference-results/test/parameters/simu/sw-cache.csv --infname test/reference-results/test/si[...]
vsearch-partition-ref-simu       ./bin/partis partition --naive-vsearch --n-max-queries 500 --persistent-cachefname test/new-results/cache-ref-partition.csv --dont-precache-naive-seqs --is-simu --sw-cachefname test/reference-results/test/parameters/simu/sw-cache.csv --infname test/reference[...]
  log tail:
            errread, errwrite)
          File "/Users/laserson/miniconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/", line 1024, in _execute_child
            raise child_exception
        OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error
                water time: 0.7
               naive hfrac bounds: 0.036 0.036   (0.131 mean mutation in parameter dir test/reference-results/test/parameters/simu/hmm)
                collapsed 500 sequences into 296 unique naive sequences
            using hfrac bound for vsearch 0.036
            running vsearch 20 times (once for each cdr3 length class):
psathyrella commented 7 years ago

ah, that must be the result of me just having the vsearch binary in the repo. I'll probably add the os-x version and look up how to test at run time what os I'm running on? That might not scale, though, I'll have to read a bit.

psathyrella commented 7 years ago

ok, this is fixed (added darwin vsearch binary and started checking for os). Let me know if you have any other problems.