Closed ffaerber closed 2 months ago
i try this example and this but its not working. if i record a wav with ADPCM. the wav file is only containing silence with some cracking noises.
xiao esp32s3 sense
SdFs SD; AudioInfo info(16000, 1, 16); I2SStream microphone; SdFile wavFile; ADPCMEncoder adpcm_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WAV); EncodedAudioStream wavEncoderToFile(&wavFile, new WAVEncoder(adpcm_encoder, AudioFormat::ADPCM)); VolumeStream vol(wavEncoderToFile); StreamCopy micToFileCopier(wavEncoderToFile, microphone); I2SStream speaker; MP3DecoderHelix mp3Decoder; EncodedAudioStream mp3DecoderToSpeaker(&speaker, &mp3Decoder); URLStream url; StreamCopy urlToSpeakerCopier(mp3DecoderToSpeaker, url); void recorder(void *pvParameters) { int randomNumber = random(1000, 10000); sprintf(filename, "/%04d.wav", randomNumber); if (SD.begin(21)) { if (, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT )) { Serial.println("wavFile is open"); }else{ Serial.println("error open wavFile"); } } wavEncoderToFile.begin(); while (1) { if (recording) { micToFileCopier.copy(); } else { wavEncoderToFile.end(); Serial.println("record Stop"); wavFile.close(); sendNotification(xHttpControllerHandle, UPLOAD_VOICE_RECORD); vTaskDelete(NULL); } } } void player(void *pvParameters) { playing = true; String apiUrl = String(apiProtocol) + String(apiHostname) + String(":") + String(apiPort); String _messageAudioUrl = apiUrl + String("/messages/") + messageId + String("/audio"); const char* messageAudioUrl = _messageAudioUrl.c_str(); url.begin(messageAudioUrl, "audio/mp3"); mp3DecoderToSpeaker.begin(); urlToSpeakerCopier.copyAll(); mp3DecoderToSpeaker.end(); playing = false; vTaskDelete(NULL); } void audioController(void *pvParameter) { uint32_t ulNotificationValue; const TickType_t xTicksToWait = portMAX_DELAY; TaskHandle_t xRecorderHandle = NULL; TaskHandle_t xPlayerHandle = NULL; AudioLogger::instance().begin(Serial, AudioLogger::Warning); auto microphone_cfg = microphone.defaultConfig(RX_MODE); microphone_cfg.copyFrom(info); microphone_cfg.signal_type = PDM; microphone_cfg.i2s_format = I2S_PCM; microphone_cfg.pin_bck = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE; microphone_cfg.pin_ws = 42; microphone_cfg.pin_data = 41; microphone_cfg.port_no = 0; auto vol_cfg = vol.defaultConfig(); vol_cfg.copyFrom(info); vol_cfg.allow_boost = true; vol.begin(vol_cfg); vol.setVolume(12); auto speaker_cfg = speaker.defaultConfig(TX_MODE); speaker_cfg.copyFrom(info); speaker_cfg.i2s_format = I2S_STD_FORMAT; speaker_cfg.port_no = 1; speaker_cfg.pin_bck = 4; // BCLK speaker_cfg.pin_ws = 43; // LRC speaker_cfg.pin_data = 3; // DIN - Data Input speaker_cfg.port_no = 1; speaker.begin(speaker_cfg); microphone.begin(microphone_cfg); wavEncoderToFile.begin(info); mp3DecoderToSpeaker.begin(); while (true) { if (xTaskNotifyWait(pdFALSE, ULONG_MAX, &ulNotificationValue, xTicksToWait) == pdPASS) { EventCode currentEvent = static_cast<EventCode>(ulNotificationValue); switch (currentEvent) { case START_VOICE_RECORD: Serial.println("START_VOICE_RECORD"); recording = true; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(recorder, "recorder", 12*1024, NULL, 1, &xRecorderHandle, APP_CPU); break; case STOP_VOICE_RECORD: Serial.println("STOP_VOICE_RECORD"); recording = false; sendNotification(xMqttControllerHandle, PUBLISH_APP_STATE); break; case START_PLAY: Serial.println("START_PLAY"); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(player, "player", 24*1024, NULL, 1, &xPlayerHandle, APP_CPU); break; default: Serial.println("Unknown event in microphone"); break; } } else { Serial.println("Failed to receive from appEventQueue"); } vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } }
recording to SD without ADPCMEncoder works fine.
The adpcm test case was passing successfully. The WAV codec was indeed broken: I committed a correction and added a corresponding test case
Problem Description
i try this example and this but its not working. if i record a wav with ADPCM. the wav file is only containing silence with some cracking noises.
Device Description
xiao esp32s3 sense
Other Steps to Reproduce
recording to SD without ADPCMEncoder works fine.
What is your development environment
I have checked existing issues, discussions and online documentation