pschatzmann / arduino-audio-tools

Arduino Audio Tools (a powerful Audio library not only for Arduino)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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player-url-i2s #24

Closed podaen closed 2 years ago

podaen commented 3 years ago

The player-url-i2s works for changing from one to next. After that it stays on the second channel. It is trying to change to next but for one reason it keeps taking the second url.

pschatzmann commented 2 years ago

It is still on my to do list - but not very hight. I remember that AAC was working for me. Are you sure that this is not just another issue because you don't have enough heap left ? There are also the AAC_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE and AAC_MAX_FRAME_SIZE which might not have the right values for your files.

podaen commented 2 years ago

Could be, I will look in to that.

I just generated a list of belgium radio station. Here is the list.

podaen commented 2 years ago

Do do...

podaen commented 2 years ago

I am testing now with

That I found in here

I increased the #define STACK_SIZE to 60000 and #define AAC_MAX_FRAME_SIZE to 2500 , it diden't work

It crashes somewhere in the class before it even starts to the setup();

Here is the exception error descriptor

/Users/ivan/e/newlib_xtensa-2.2.0-bin/newlib_xtensa-2.2.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/newlib/libc/stdlib/../../../.././newlib/libc/stdlib/assert.c:63 (discriminator 8):::0x400fee4f:__assert_func
/home/runner/work/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esp32/dport_access.c:187 (discriminator 1):::0x40166f3a:esp_dport_access_int_init
0x40079247: ?? ??:0
0x400792ad: ?? ??:0
0x400792b8: ?? ??:0
0x40079465: ?? ??:0
0x400806da: ?? ??:0
0x40007c31: ?? ??:0
0x4000073d: ?? ??:0
0x40078000: ?? ??:0
0x40080400: ?? ??:0
0x400806a8: ?? ??:0

I tried even this with the same results

define AAC_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE 20485//1024 5//2048

define AAC_MAX_FRAME_SIZE 4000//2500//1600

If I increase


it stops crashing, and I get this.

OOM in SBR, can't allocate 50788 bytes

but still no sound.

podaen commented 2 years ago

Here is the complete log. (I have updated my log according to the next changes I have made)

Opening port
Port open
OOM in SBR, can't allocate 50788 bytes
[D] I2SStream.h : 88 - void audio_tools::I2SStream::begin(audio_tools::I2SConfig)
[D] I2SESP32.h : 40 - void audio_tools::I2SBase::begin(audio_tools::I2SConfig)
[D] I2SESP32.h : 101 - void audio_tools::I2SBase::begin(audio_tools::I2SConfig, int, int)
[I] I2SConfig.h : 66 - rx/tx mode: TX
[I] I2SConfig.h : 67 - port_no: 0
[I] I2SConfig.h : 68 - is_master: Master
[I] I2SConfig.h : 69 - sample rate: 44100
[I] I2SConfig.h : 70 - bits per sample: 16
[I] I2SConfig.h : 71 - number of channels: 2
[I] I2SConfig.h : 72 - i2s_format: I2S_LEFT_JUSTIFIED_FORMAT
[I] I2SConfig.h : 80 - pin_bck: 26
[I] I2SConfig.h : 81 - pin_ws: 25
[I] I2SConfig.h : 82 - pin_data: 27
[D] I2SESP32.h : 159 - begin - started
[D] AudioPlayer.h : 607 - virtual bool audio_tools::AudioPlayer::begin(int, bool)
[D] AudioOutput.h : 310 - void audio_tools::EncodedAudioStream::begin()
[D] CodecAACHelix.h : 76 - virtual void audio_tools::AACDecoderHelix::begin()
[D] AudioPlayer.h : 401 - virtual void audio_tools::AudioSourceURL::begin()
[I] MetaDataID3.h : 545 - virtual void audio_tools::MetaDataID3::begin()
[I] AudioPlayer.h : 416 - selectStream: 0/2 ->
[D] URLStreamESP32.h : 188 - virtual bool audio_tools::URLStream::begin(const char*, const char*, MethodID, const char*, const char*)
[I] URLStream.h : 65 - virtual bool audio_tools::URLStreamDefault::begin(const char*, const char*, MethodID, const char*, const char*):
[D] Url.h : 59 - setUrl
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(44)
[I] Url.h : 73 - Url::parse
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(5)
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(18)
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(18)
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(26)
[I] Url.h : 109 - url->
[I] Url.h : 110 - host->
[I] Url.h : 111 - protocol->https
[I] Url.h : 112 - path->/radio24-rc-96-aac
[I] Url.h : 113 - port->443
[D] URLStream.h : 217 - connectWiFi
[I] URLStream.h : 194 - WiFiClientSecure
[I] URLStream.h : 194 - WiFiClientSecure
[I] HttpRequest.h : 182 - process connecting to host port 443
[I] HttpRequest.h : 170 - connect
[I] HttpRequest.h : 193 - Free heap: 129616
[I] HttpHeader.h : 349 - HttpRequestHeader::setValues - path: /radio24-rc-96-aac
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Host
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(4)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Host' : ''
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(18)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Connection
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(10)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Connection' : 'close'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(5)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 107 - HttpHeader::put - value ignored because it is null for User-Agent
[D] HttpHeader.h : 107 - HttpHeader::put - value ignored because it is null for Accept-Encoding
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Accept
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(6)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Accept' : 'audio/mpeg'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(10)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 107 - HttpHeader::put - value ignored because it is null for Content-Type
[I] HttpHeader.h : 249 - HttpHeader::write
[I] HttpHeader.h : 358 - HttpRequestHeader::write1stLine
[I] HttpHeader.h : 373 - -> GET /radio24-rc-96-aac HTTP/1.1
[D] HttpHeader.h : 165 - HttpHeader::writeHeaderLine: Host
[I] HttpHeader.h : 186 -  -> Host: 
[D] HttpHeader.h : 165 - HttpHeader::writeHeaderLine: Connection
[I] HttpHeader.h : 186 -  -> Connection: close 
[D] HttpHeader.h : 165 - HttpHeader::writeHeaderLine: Accept
[I] HttpHeader.h : 186 -  -> Accept: audio/mpeg 
[I] HttpHeader.h : 289 -  -> <CR LF> 
[I] HttpRequest.h : 217 - Request written ... waiting for reply
[I] HttpHeader.h : 219 - HttpHeader::read
[W] HttpHeader.h : 226 - Waiting for data...
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> HTTP/1.0 200 OK
[D] HttpHeader.h : 444 - HttpReplyHeader::parse1stLine: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-br: 128
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-br: 128
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for icy-br
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(6)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-br' : '128'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(3)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-pub: 0
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-pub: 0
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for icy-pub
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(7)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-pub' : '0'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(1)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-description: Radio 24
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-description: Radio 24
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for icy-description
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(15)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-description' : 'Radio 24'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(8)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-audio-info: samplerate=44100;channels=2;bitrate=128
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-audio-info: samplerate=44100;channels=2;bitrate=128
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for icy-audio-info
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(14)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-audio-info' : 'samplerate=44100;channels=2;bitrate=128'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(39)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-url:
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-url:
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for icy-url
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(7)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-url' : ''
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(14)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Instance-id: 31f1d03a2566de4b1248074b4f95007a
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Instance-id: 31f1d03a2566de4b1248074b4f95007a
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Instance-id
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(11)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Instance-id' : '31f1d03a2566de4b1248074b4f95007a'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(32)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Cache-Control: no-cache
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Cache-Control: no-cache
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Cache-Control
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(13)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(8)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Server: AIS Streaming Server 8.6.5
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Server: AIS Streaming Server 8.6.5
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Server
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(6)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Server' : 'AIS Streaming Server 8.6.5'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(26)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-genre: Pop
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-genre: Pop
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for icy-genre
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(9)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-genre' : 'Pop'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(3)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Expires
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(7)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Expires' : 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(29)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-metaint: 0
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-metaint: 0
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for icy-metaint
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(11)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-metaint' : '0'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(1)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Pragma: no-cache
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Pragma: no-cache
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Pragma
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(6)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Pragma' : 'no-cache'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(8)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-name: Radio 24
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-name: Radio 24
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for icy-name
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(8)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-name' : 'Radio 24'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(8)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Connection: close
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Connection: close
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Connection
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(10)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Connection' : 'close'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(5)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Content-Type: audio/mpeg
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Content-Type: audio/mpeg
[D] HttpHeader.h : 306 - HttpHeader::headerLine - new line created for Content-Type
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(12)
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Content-Type' : 'audio/mpeg'
[D] StrExt.h : 109 - StrExt::grow(10)
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> 
[W] HttpRequest.h : 145 - no CONTENT_LENGTH found in reply
[I] URLStream.h : 80 - size: 0
[I] URLStream.h : 232 - Request written ... waiting for reply
[D] URLStreamESP32.h : 34 - virtual void audio_tools::BufferedTaskStream::begin(bool)
[I] AudioOutput.h : 450 - setVolume: 0.100000
end setup
[D] AudioPlayer.h : 692 - virtual bool audio_tools::AudioPlayer::setPath(const char*)
[I] AudioPlayer.h : 445 - selectStream:
[D] URLStreamESP32.h : 228 - virtual void audio_tools::URLStream::end()
[D] URLStreamESP32.h : 42 - virtual void audio_tools::BufferedTaskStream::end()
[I] HttpRequest.h : 63 - stop
[D] URLStreamESP32.h : 188 - virtual bool audio_tools::URLStream::begin(const char*, const char*, MethodID, const char*, const char*)
[I] URLStream.h : 65 - virtual bool audio_tools::URLStreamDefault::begin(const char*, const char*, MethodID, const char*, const char*):
[D] Url.h : 59 - setUrl
[I] Url.h : 73 - Url::parse
[I] Url.h : 109 - url->
[I] Url.h : 110 - host->
[I] Url.h : 111 - protocol->https
[I] Url.h : 112 - path->/radio24-rc-96-aac
[I] Url.h : 113 - port->443
[D] URLStream.h : 217 - connectWiFi
[I] URLStream.h : 194 - WiFiClientSecure
[I] URLStream.h : 194 - WiFiClientSecure
[I] HttpRequest.h : 182 - process connecting to host port 443
[I] HttpRequest.h : 170 - connect
[I] HttpRequest.h : 193 - Free heap: 126540
[I] HttpHeader.h : 349 - HttpRequestHeader::setValues - path: /radio24-rc-96-aac
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Host' : ''
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Connection' : 'close'
[D] HttpHeader.h : 107 - HttpHeader::put - value ignored because it is null for User-Agent
[D] HttpHeader.h : 107 - HttpHeader::put - value ignored because it is null for Accept-Encoding
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Accept' : 'audio/mpeg'
[D] HttpHeader.h : 107 - HttpHeader::put - value ignored because it is null for Content-Type
[I] HttpHeader.h : 249 - HttpHeader::write
[I] HttpHeader.h : 358 - HttpRequestHeader::write1stLine
[I] HttpHeader.h : 373 - -> GET /radio24-rc-96-aac HTTP/1.1
[D] HttpHeader.h : 165 - HttpHeader::writeHeaderLine: Host
[I] HttpHeader.h : 186 -  -> Host: 
[D] HttpHeader.h : 165 - HttpHeader::writeHeaderLine: Connection
[I] HttpHeader.h : 186 -  -> Connection: close 
[D] HttpHeader.h : 165 - HttpHeader::writeHeaderLine: Accept
[I] HttpHeader.h : 186 -  -> Accept: audio/mpeg 
[I] HttpHeader.h : 289 -  -> <CR LF> 
[I] HttpRequest.h : 217 - Request written ... waiting for reply
[I] HttpHeader.h : 219 - HttpHeader::read
[W] HttpHeader.h : 226 - Waiting for data...
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> HTTP/1.0 200 OK
[D] HttpHeader.h : 444 - HttpReplyHeader::parse1stLine: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-br: 128
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-br: 128
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-br' : '128'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-pub: 0
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-pub: 0
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-pub' : '0'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-description: Radio 24
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-description: Radio 24
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-description' : 'Radio 24'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-audio-info: samplerate=44100;channels=2;bitrate=128
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-audio-info: samplerate=44100;channels=2;bitrate=128
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-audio-info' : 'samplerate=44100;channels=2;bitrate=128'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-url:
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-url:
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-url' : ''
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Instance-id: 31f1d03a2566de4b1248074b4f95007a
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Instance-id: 31f1d03a2566de4b1248074b4f95007a
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Instance-id' : '31f1d03a2566de4b1248074b4f95007a'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Cache-Control: no-cache
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Cache-Control: no-cache
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Server: AIS Streaming Server 8.6.5
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Server: AIS Streaming Server 8.6.5
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Server' : 'AIS Streaming Server 8.6.5'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-genre: Pop
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-genre: Pop
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-genre' : 'Pop'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Expires' : 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-metaint: 0
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-metaint: 0
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-metaint' : '0'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Pragma: no-cache
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Pragma: no-cache
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Pragma' : 'no-cache'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> icy-name: Radio 24
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> icy-name: Radio 24
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'icy-name' : 'Radio 24'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Connection: close
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Connection: close
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Connection' : 'close'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> Content-Type: audio/mpeg
[D] HttpHeader.h : 130 - HttpHeader::put -> Content-Type: audio/mpeg
[D] HttpHeader.h : 97 - HttpHeader::put -> 'Content-Type' : 'audio/mpeg'
[D] HttpLineReader.h : 20 - HttpLineReader readlnInternal
[I] HttpHeader.h : 156 - HttpHeader::readLine -> 
[W] HttpRequest.h : 145 - no CONTENT_LENGTH found in reply
[I] URLStream.h : 80 - size: 0
[I] URLStream.h : 232 - Request written ... waiting for reply
[D] URLStreamESP32.h : 34 - virtual void audio_tools::BufferedTaskStream::begin(bool)
[D] AudioPlayer.h : 642 - virtual void audio_tools::AudioPlayer::end()
[D] AudioOutput.h : 323 - void audio_tools::EncodedAudioStream::end()
[D] CodecAACHelix.h : 85 - virtual void audio_tools::AACDecoderHelix::end()
[I] MetaDataID3.h : 551 - virtual void audio_tools::MetaDataID3::end()
[D] AudioOutput.h : 310 - void audio_tools::EncodedAudioStream::begin()
[D] CodecAACHelix.h : 76 - virtual void audio_tools::AACDecoderHelix::begin()
[D] AudioPlayer.h : 712 - open selected stream
[I] MetaDataID3.h : 545 - virtual void audio_tools::MetaDataID3::begin()
[D] AudioPlayer.h : 755 - virtual void audio_tools::AudioPlayer::copy()
[D] AudioCopy.h : 88 - size_t audio_tools::StreamCopyT<T>::copy() [with T = unsigned char; size_t = unsigned int]
[D] AudioPlayer.h : 755 - virtual void audio_tools::AudioPlayer::copy()
[D] AudioCopy.h : 88 - size_t audio_tools::StreamCopyT<T>::copy() [with T = unsigned char; size_t = unsigned int]
[D] AudioPlayer.h : 755 - virtual void audio_tools::AudioPlayer::copy()
podaen commented 2 years ago

Ooh, now I see I used this

AudioSourceIcyUrl source(urlStream, urls, "audio/mp3");

and changed to this

AudioSourceIcyUrl source(urlStream, urls, "audio/mpeg");//aac

but still no sound. it just stops copying after some time. I tried different links. All the same.

podaen commented 2 years ago

OOM in SBR, can't allocate 50788 bytes

if I comment this line #define USE_URLSTREAM_TASK, the message goos away, but than it starts crashing again. I don't use task in my own shetch for this test. I am out of leads...

I am now testing again the mp3 links and I can tell it works beter without USE_URLSTREAM_TASK.

Out of my experence I know that changing as less as possible gives the best results. There is soo much that can go wrong because the bigger file size. Could you please post your config file for the aac if you have an esp32?

podaen commented 2 years ago

And is there something wrong in here?

URLStream urlStream(wifi, password);
//AudioSourceIcyUrl source(urlStream, urls, "audio/mp3");//mp3
AudioSourceIcyUrl source(urlStream, urls, "audio/aac");//aac
I2SStream i2s;
VolumeOutput volume(i2s);
LogarithmicVolumeControl lvc(0.1);
//MP3DecoderHelix decoder;
AACDecoderHelix decoder;

AudioPlayer player(source, volume, decoder);

What I don't understand is when I inspect a link in the browser I get audio/mpeg for the mp3 links, but we fill in audio/mp3 and it works. What do I need to fill in for the aac?

podaen commented 2 years ago

I did a lookup in the code of the library and I diden't find an example for the aac. Can you make these work? I have only one that is working.

const char* urls[] = { //"", "", //"", //"", //"", //"", //"", //"", //"", //"", //"", };

E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\libraries\arduino-libhelix\src\libhelix-aac/filefmt.c(435): error 0x400d8754:raac_UnpackADTSHeader
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:586 (discriminator 1):::0x400d22dc:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\libraries\arduino-libhelix\src\libhelix-aac/aacdec.c(145): error 0x401967a5:AACFindSyncWord
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\libraries\arduino-libhelix\src\libhelix-aac/aacdec.c(149): error 0x401967b8:AACFindSyncWord
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\libraries\arduino-libhelix\src\libhelix-aac/aacdec.c(338): error 0x400d775d:AACDecode
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:586 (discriminator 1):::0x400d1ad6:libhelix
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:586 (discriminator 1):::0x400d1e36:libhelix
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:586 (discriminator 1):::0x400d1eaa:libhelix
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\libraries\arduino-audio-tools\src/AudioCodecs/CodecAACHelix.h:104 (discriminator 1):::0x40196631:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:586 (discriminator 1):::0x400d2361:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:586 (discriminator 1):::0x400d5c55:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:586 (discriminator 1):::0x400d5da6:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:586 (discriminator 1):::0x400d5e30:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\libraries\arduino-audio-tools\src/AudioTools/AudioPlayer.h:757 (discriminator 1):::(inlined by) audio_tools:
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino(535): error 0x400d5f91:NextStation()
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino(515): error 0x400d5fcb:AutoNextStation()
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino(501): error 0x400d5fd9:loop()
C:\Users\Dave2Moon\AppData\Local\arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.6\cores\esp32/main.cpp(23): error 0x400e30b0:loopTask(void*)
/home/runner/work/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/freertos/port.c:355 (discriminator 1):::0x400899c2:vPortTaskWrapper
0x40078000: ?? ??:0
0x40080400: ?? ??:0
0x400806a8: ?? ??:0
podaen commented 2 years ago

I give up. I have tried the whole day to make the aac work... but it diden't.

Here is my last exception

/Users/ivan/e/newlib_xtensa-2.2.0-bin/newlib_xtensa-2.2.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/newlib/libc/stdlib/../../../.././newlib/libc/stdlib/assert.c:63 (discriminator 8):::0x400fe697:__assert_func
0x4000bec7: ?? ??:0
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\libraries\arduino-libhelix\src\libhelix-aac/buffers.c:163 (discriminator 1):::0x400d7845:raac_FreeBuffers
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\libraries\arduino-libhelix\src\libhelix-aac/aacdec.c(267): error 0x400d7532:AACFreeDecoder
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:612 (discriminator 1):::0x400d1ac8:libhelix
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:612 (discriminator 1):::0x400d24c9:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:612 (discriminator 1):::0x400d3c82:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:612 (discriminator 1):::0x400d4d35:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:612 (discriminator 1):::0x400d4c35:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino:612 (discriminator 1):::0x400d242d:audio_tools
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino(553): error 0x400d5f37:NextStation()
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino(541): error 0x400d5f8f:AutoNextStation()
E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Arduino\player-url-i2s\player-url-i2s/player-url-i2s.ino(526): error 0x400d6043:Task3URLcode(void*)
/home/runner/work/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/freertos/port.c:355 (discriminator 1):::0x400899c2:vPortTaskWrapper
0x40078000: ?? ??:0
0x40080400: ?? ??:0
0x400806a8: ?? ??:0

I have xPortGetFreeHeapSize: 51516, soo I doubt it that could be it. And if is I doubt it, it cann't be done with an esp32.

pschatzmann commented 2 years ago

Just published some corrections in the arduino-libhelix library. The DecoderHelix class which is decoding both AAC and MP3 seem to work now