pschatzmann / arduino-audiokit

Arduino ADF/Audiokit HAL (support for ESP32-A1S, AI-Thinker, LyraT for ES7148, ES7210, ES7243, ES8311, ES8347, ES8388, TAS5805M, AC101 audio chips)
GNU General Public License v3.0
153 stars 40 forks source link

Board selection in arduino ide #105

Closed hackintoshlover closed 9 months ago

hackintoshlover commented 9 months ago

What board to select while uploading code using Arduino IDE? There is no mention of esp32a1s.

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Why don't you just read the Wiki as indicated in the Readme ?

hackintoshlover commented 9 months ago

Instead of being so savage and closing the comment, you could reply with the actual answer or take a moment to ask. Even after reading tour wiki and trying all kind of boards from arduino board section, nothing worked. Hence, asked.

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

I don't answer to questions that have already been answered before and are documented: It does not make any sense to give the same answer over and over again just because people are too lazy to read the documentation. I am not your personal documentation lookup tool!

It's the first answer in the FAQ!

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Here is just the reminder:

hackintoshlover commented 9 months ago

Guess you have ego issues. Since you can comment things without actually answering or asking. Anyways. The thing does not work and keeps on resetting, so i jasked just to clarify even after reading your wiki and blog, just to check if you could provide some useful inputs. My board is definitely working since using it with vscode and esp-adf just works like charm. Just thought to check it out with you repo over arduino. Guess will stick to vs code.

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

No, it the lack of you being able to provide the requested information and follow the rules!

I am more then willing to help and I am waiting for the requested information...