pschatzmann / arduino-audiokit

Arduino ADF/Audiokit HAL (support for ESP32-A1S, AI-Thinker, LyraT for ES7148, ES7210, ES7243, ES8311, ES8347, ES8388, TAS5805M, AC101 audio chips)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Example sd_begin does not compile #107

Closed rogerclarkmelbourne closed 9 months ago

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

Problem Description

Example sd_begin does not compile

Device Description

N/A (AI Thinker Audio kit)


Other Steps to Reproduce

Attemp to compile the example

See error message

Arduino\libraries\arduino-audiokit\examples\sd_begin\sd_begin.ino: In function 'void setup()': sd_begin:20:22: error: 'class audiokit::AudioKit' has no member named 'pinSpiCs' if(!SD.begin(kit.pinSpiCs(), AUDIOKIT_SD_SPI)){

Provide your Version of the EP32 Arduino Core


I have checked existing issues, discussions and online documentation

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

BTW. Board type is set to 5, but this is irrelevant because I searched all files and the function pinSpiCs() does not exist The only references are in the documentation

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Oh, I actually never used this in the AudioTools, but relied on PIN_AUDIO_KIT_SD_CARD_CS. The correction ha been committed...

Here is an AudioTools example:

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

I corrected the example as well to be in line with what I do in the AudioTools

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago


I've been having no success with the SD on this board from AliExpress

That example fails SD initialiation

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x1f (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fff0030,len:1344 load:0x40078000,len:13964 load:0x40080400,len:3600 entry 0x400805f0 Initialization failed!

I also tried the mmc example, and that compiled but would not connect to the SD :-(

I have 2 of those boards, and SD does not worth on either of them. I tried multiple different SD cards

DIP switches are set to Off, On, On, Off, Off
but I actually tried all combinations of DIP switch settings, all 32 and none works :-(

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Double check the pin settings that are given in the Wiki

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

OK. I'll check the pins.

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Sometimes the issue is with the formatting. I recommend the official SD Formatter:

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

OK. I have feeling is a problem with pin mapping, but I'll try reformatting the card again

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

I didn't mean your pin mapping is wrong, I suspect the boards I bought from AliExpress may be a clone of the AiThinker boards and may potentially be different :-(

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

I am getting an error as well: Just tried in the AudioTools, where this is the case as well, but the audio from the SD is playing

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

Ah. OK.

Put a completely blank SD in at the moment to try to isolate the problem, so didn't bother listening for any audio


Ah. OK this example records and plays audio

As soon as I saw the error I didn't try doing anything else

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Oh,, stupid me: the SPI needs to be initialized with the proper pins, as described in the Wiki

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

I extended the example to setup the pins. This is however only necessary when not using the regular setup by calling kit.begin()

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

Thanks. Thats fixed the SD_begin example

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

I presume all the examples need that line of code to be added.

i.e I just added it to your streams audiokit sd audiokit example and the card now works and I can record and playback the audio

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

No, this is automatically called with kit.begin(). In the example we are not doing that, so the SPI pins are not defined correctly

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Just made a quick test and the following is working as expected:

#include "AudioKitHAL.h"

#include "SD.h"

AudioKit kit;

void setup(){

    // setup SPI with the coorrect pins: This is not necessary if you call kit.begin() with the SD active.
    auto cfg = kit.defaultConfig(AudioOutput);

    // start SD
        Serial.println("Card Mount Failed");
    } else {
        Serial.println("Card Mount Success");

void loop() {

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago


But kit.begin() is being called after SD.begin in some examples

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Can you point me to these examples ? I only found 1 with this bug...

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

I only saw that one


the SDMMC_Begin example won't work for me

Same card works OK for normal SD

E (56) sdmmc_common: sdmmc_init_ocr: send_op_cond (1) returned 0x107
E (56) vfs_fat_sdmmc: sdmmc_card_init failed (0x107).
Card Mount Failed

I set all DIP switches to on

Also. Unrelated..

But the player-sdfat-audiokit example does not play some mp3's very well, they keep skipping and have strange noises in them. I presumed this was because the data rate was too high (320 bps in some cases)

Hence why I stated to try the SDMMC examples becuase they should handle higher data rates from the SD card

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Cool, that's the example that I have identified and corrected as well. If you have decoding issues because of a high bitrate, you should increase the buffers as described in libhelix

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

OK. Thanks

I presumed it was a SD data rate problem.

Actually I didn't realise that some of my MP3s had such high data rates. Most are 128kpbs or 192kpbs , so I don't know why the first album I tried had 320bps ;-)

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

I was double checking the SDMMC with 2.0.13 as well and for me it is working.

18:40:51.546 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
18:40:51.546 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
18:40:51.546 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
18:40:51.546 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1344
18:40:51.546 -> load:0x40078000,len:13964
18:40:51.546 -> load:0x40080400,len:3600
18:40:51.546 -> entry 0x400805f0
18:40:51.740 -> [    25][D][esp32-hal-cpu.c:244] setCpuFrequencyMhz(): PLL: 480 / 2 = 240 Mhz, APB: 80000000 Hz
18:40:52.158 -> [   471][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
18:40:52.191 -> [   494][I][esp32-hal-i2c.c:75] i2cInit(): Initialising I2C Master: sda=33 scl=32 freq=100000
18:40:52.288 -> Card Mount Success

Maybe you just forgot to disconnect the power for the settings to get activated. That's also the reason why I missed that the SD example was not working...

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

Unfortunately, I still don't have any success with SD MMC.

I tried reformatting the card and power cycling the board, and removing and reinserting the card multiple times but I still get the same error

are you using your SDMMC_begin example, because your debug output looks a lot different to mine

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

I activated the Code Debug Level to Debug in the Tools menu, so that I could see any further messages from the core.

That's strange that this is not working: the SD pins are all the same on all boards, so I don't see any reason why this should not work.

In order to switch off any negative impact from other pins, I suggest that you try the settings OFF, OFF, ON, OFF, OFF: This just leaves the CMD pin 15 active. This is all which is required by 1 bit mode.

The SDMMC.begin command has additional parameter that you could try out... In addition the ESP32 provides a SDMMC test sketch that you could try out as well.

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

With the settings OFF, ON, ON, OFF, OFF I even got the 4 bit mode to work, finally! I have updated the Wiki

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago



I'll give it another try.

Of course it could just be just that hardware is a non-exact clone of the AIThinker board.

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

Yes, each board is slightly different, but the SD pins are all the same across all ESP32 boards.

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

I think one of the 2 boards I have is faulty.

I changed to the other board and the SD MMC example is now reporting that the card is working OK.

Strangely both boards are also now having problems with the USB device going on and off, over and over again.

I think I may abandon these clone audio dev boards and build from separate component modules.

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

That's maybe a good decision, if you have that option: Then you can also avoid the audio input bug that all ES8388 AI Thinker boards have

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago


I have some PCM5102A boards. I'm not sure if I have anything else which is compatible with your libraries

BTW. I also got the SD Fat example working in PlatformIO.

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

So what would your favorite microcontroller/audiochip combination be ? I am struggling with the STM32 processors because there is no consistent I2S support in Arduino.

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago

Actually I was also considering using the RPi Pico. I do like the STM32 but the Pico seems to now be replacing the STM32F1 and STM32F4 boards, with its performance and price

I've not done enough research into which I2S chip is best, I think I bought the PCB5102A boards because library support for them existed

BTW. I agree about I2S on STM32. I had to write code using STM HAL for the I2S to interface to a codec chip, and there were a lot of quirks to the STM32 I2S interface

pschatzmann commented 9 months ago

PCB5102A is perfect if you just need audio output for all platforms that support i2s STM32 and VS1053 might be an interesting and easy combination because it just requires SPI The RP2040 should work for most of the scenarios - just keep in mind that it does not compare with the floating point performance of an ESP32 (though that's still very slow compared what we get on the desktop)

And if you want to use it in combination with WIFI, the different ESP32 variants stay the cheapest solution

So far I just tried to support what can be easily purchased e.g. on AliExpress and avoided any exotic expensive demo modules that must be purchased for hundreds of dollars.

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 9 months ago


I didn't know that the RP2040 didn't have a FPU :-(

I just checked my box of modules and found I already have some VS1053 boards which I bought several years ago, so I may experiment with using them on a lower spec MCU e.g. STM32F103