pschatzmann / arduino-audiokit

Arduino ADF/Audiokit HAL (support for ESP32-A1S, AI-Thinker, LyraT for ES7148, ES7210, ES7243, ES8311, ES8347, ES8388, TAS5805M, AC101 audio chips)
GNU General Public License v3.0
153 stars 40 forks source link

Which board to select in Arduino IDE #22

Closed rjrajbir closed 2 years ago

rjrajbir commented 2 years ago

Hello there, I have ESP32 Audio Devkit and I have downloaded this code but I am not able to compile this code, could you please let me which board should I select or how to add this board in board manager.

Best Regards Rajbir

pschatzmann commented 2 years ago

I can't tell you which board you need to select because I don't know which board you have. Just read the readme! The other question has already been answered here:

rjrajbir commented 2 years ago

I have shared the link

rjrajbir commented 2 years ago


pschatzmann commented 2 years ago

A149 ? This is different then your original link. I have never seen this before. I would try with option 5 first if it is a new board and 6 if it is a very old board. As stated in the Reame: it is a mess!

rjrajbir commented 2 years ago

Alright, thank you for your help but I am asking for arduino IDE Esp32_board

pschatzmann commented 2 years ago

In Frequently Ask Questions you can find: Question: Which Board do I need to select? Answer: If the board is based on an ESP32, use the ESP32 Dev Module. Only the esp32_s2_kaluga_1_v1_2 is based on an ESP32-S2!

rjrajbir commented 2 years ago

Ok, but it still gives the error 1653110543685

pschatzmann commented 2 years ago

Your confusing me: I close this issue because it has been answered and you did not respond on your other issue