pschraut / UnityTexture2DArrayImportPipeline

A Texture2DArray Import Pipeline for Unity 2019.3 and newer.
MIT License
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support setting readability #7

Closed Guarneri1743 closed 2 years ago

Guarneri1743 commented 2 years ago

A newly created texture2darray is readable by default, the bad thing is, readable textures will keep a copy of texture data in memory to support functions like Get/SetPixels, but most of the time we don't need them at all. So It might be useful to support non-readable texture2darray. unity will serialize the 'readable' field automatically after calling texture2DArray.Apply(bool updateMipmaps, bool makeNoLongerReadable), and this api is compatible with most of the released unity versions.

pschraut commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the PR. I'm going to take a look at it over the weekend.

pschraut commented 2 years ago

Thanks again for your contribution. You changes can be found in version 1.4.0 which I just released.

pschraut commented 2 years ago

FYI a Texture2DArray with "Read/Write Enabled" turned off, is displayed with 0 bytes size in the Profiler. I submitted a bug-report to Unity Technologies about this issue and posted in their forums, see

Guarneri1743 commented 2 years ago

FYI a Texture2DArray with "Read/Write Enabled" turned off, is displayed with 0 bytes size in the Profiler. I submitted a bug-report to Unity Technologies about this issue and posted in their forums, see

In my experience, the runtime memory calculation of Unity's Profiler is not so reliable, e.g. compressed textures, it's really confusing to me sometimes. Maybe a better option is to use the native profiler of specific platform?