pscott / TaskMaster

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Add tests for client / server architecture #12

Open pscott opened 3 years ago

pscott commented 3 years ago

We need regression tests for this architecture because it's very easy to break the communication between those two :)

Ant0wan commented 3 years ago

I suggest we do so through CI/CD pipelines using Docker. I will add Dockerfiles to dev/test each binary. Then a docker-compose.yaml in order to simulate that 2 hosts are on the same network trying to communicate using taskmaster. One host will be the client (taskmasterctl), the other the daemon(taskmasterd). If one container fails, it means the connection is not effective. To test it we will just have to execute the following command:

docker-compose up

and just read the logs with docker logs <container> to check what failed.

What do you think ?