psecio / gatekeeper

Gatekeeper: An Authentication & Authorization Library
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Problem with Throttling #55

Open geggleto opened 8 years ago

geggleto commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately in its current configuration an attacker could force a denial of service on a particular user account indefinitely.

If an attacker know's the username of a victim, he/she can lock out a user if you deploy gatekeeper with the throttling enabled, by issuing no less than y fake requests every x minutes which is trivial to discover by probing the auth system and measuring the timings.

Problem: Using this information leads to a denial of service in which the attacker places y fake requests and leads to gatekeeper locking the username for x minutes, where the attacker then repeats the number of requests, and again locks the account.

Solution: 1) Tie IP addresses into throttle logs and only present the locked page to the IP address which has initiated the login attempt.