pseewald / vim-anyfold

Language agnostic vim plugin for folding and motion based on indentation.
MIT License
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Unexpected folding and noticeable lag when paired with vim-multiple-cursors #25

Closed joshddunn closed 1 year ago

joshddunn commented 5 years ago

Unintentional folding (without set foldlevel=99)


Noticeable lag (with set foldlevel=99)



Seems to be caused by this line.

Minimal vim config to recreate this

set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " required

" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()

Plugin 'pseewald/vim-anyfold'
Plugin 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'

call vundle#end()            " required
filetype plugin indent on    " required

autocmd Filetype * AnyFoldActivate

let g:multi_cursor_start_word_key = '<C-s>'
let g:multi_cursor_next_key = '<C-s>'
let g:multi_cursor_quit_key = '<Esc>'