psergus / ngWYSIWYG

true angular WYSIWYG
MIT License
63 stars 42 forks source link

How can I control the buttons on the toolbar? #10

Closed jeffreybraun closed 8 years ago

jeffreybraun commented 9 years ago

Hi, this looks like a great component, but I was curious how I can limit some of the buttons on the toolbar. I'm not suppose to provided this many options to our user-base.



psergus commented 9 years ago

Good idea Jeff, I will work on it.

psergus commented 9 years ago

I added a config where you can provide which buttons and groups you want to show.

brunokrebs commented 8 years ago

Hi there @psergus, I'm using it already and it is working. Why don't you mark this as closed?

psergus commented 8 years ago

Thx @brunokrebs